Day 1 and a little nervous! 31/Female/WI



  • suzannehoward1988
    I've been on here a while (downloaded the iphone app) but I have only just found these form. Feel free to add as I need all the motivation I can get!
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    Sending a friend request... You CAN do it!!!!

  • doonesbury
    doonesbury Posts: 281 Member
    It's easy! It's fun! It's results! Add me! :)
  • beckamelia1
    Good luck feel free to add hun:-)
  • msarazine
    msarazine Posts: 65
    YOU CAN DO IT! Feel free to add me.:)
  • bailey39
    bailey39 Posts: 4
    Hi, u can o it.....there is a great support network here, and we will enourage u through your good and bad days...... Welcome aboard xxx
  • jeremybise
    I was on Weight Watchers several years ago and lost over 70 lbs on it. Then I got married and put almost every single pound back on. As if that's an excuse, but hey it happens. I was getting ready to start back on WW yesterday when I found this app on my phone and decided to give it a shot instead. The thing about WW for me is the freakin' computation involved. It's so time intensive!! What I like about this is the barcode scanning and easier tracking. Here's to hopin' it works!

    Truth is it sounds like you've done it before -- just like I did it before. So let's get to it!
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    Friend request sent!

    As others have said, the main thing is to not give up. Take baby steps, and if you mess up or over eat- forgive yourself. Do not beat yourself up for small mistakes. It's a process that does take time. I think a lot of it is also mental exercises. Compliment yourself and use positive self talk along the way. You can succeed at this!
  • rebeccask
    rebeccask Posts: 170
    Small steps! Don't expect to change over night because you didn't get to where you are in one day. Remember that. Remember it's 80% in the kitchen, 20% in the gym. Focus on your foods. Log everything you put in your mouth and really notice how much more you're eating than you should be. Start slow with exercise. If you were like me, you're going straight from sedentary so any movement is better than none. It's really hard at first, but be true to yourself and we'll be here to support you. MFP is a great support system.
  • HeatherMarie1174
    First of all, welcome to the site!!

    Just the fact that you logged in and created an account is a great start! Just remember to take it one day at a time ... We are here for you!
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    Hey there,
    Welcome, and best of luck on your journey. You have taken the most important step - "getting started". Don't think of the total number of lbs you will have to lose since that may overwhelm you.
    If you want, you can friend me.
    Best of luck!
  • Daisy374
    Daisy374 Posts: 539 Member
    You've got this! This has worked better for me than anything else I have tried...including weight watchers. Good luck!
  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    You're in the right place! I think many of us have been on the same weight loss rollercoaster. I have lost the same weight I think 3 times now?! You're not a failure until you have completely given up, and I don't think you have because you are here with all of us. This place is so awesome for support and info to help you in your journey! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    I have had my ups and downs even after joining myfitnesspal but nothing has helped more than all the support I have received on here. Just know because you splurge or go over your calories or don't exercise here and there that doesn't mean you fail and don't give up. You will have bad days just write about it and we will cheer you up and keep you motivated. Celebrate the small victories, set small goals and larger long term goals. Believe in yourself and good luck! I have sent you a friend request.
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    you can do this, and you will get lots of support.

    track your food for a min of 3 weeks. that's how long it takes to create a habit.

    there is no right or wrong path, there is just a path. So expect days where you crave in and have that burger or chips. That's ok, we are human. But learn to recognise, acknowledge and then distract.

    Good luck.
  • 76wendyful
    76wendyful Posts: 202
    I am in Wisconsin too, Northern Milwaukee County. Much luck to you on your journey! I'll send you a friend request.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    The most important thing in the beginning is to not overwhelm yourself. Don't set you calorie deficit too high for the first week or two. Get used to logging everything and trying to make better choices. Add in some exercise, but don't go crazy. This isn't an all or nothing thing, and if you try to do too much in the beginning, it's really easy to get frustrated and quit. And, for later on in the process, when you have those days where you indulge a little (or those days when you eat everything in sight), just keep logging and trying. We all have those days or weeks...or months. Keep your goals in mind, and think about them daily, especially when you're struggling. The reasons you're wanting to do this right now (and any new reasons you discover as you go along) will be the things that help you get and stay on track.

    AND, most importantly, failure is not an option. :)
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    "I hate never being able to find clothes that fit and I hate the feeling of fear when friends suggest we do something active."
    I know the feeling, but it's going away! Slowly but surely. You can do this, just keep what the others said about babysteps and realistic goals in mind. Focus on getting healthier rather than lighter.

    Sent you a friend req.:flowerforyou:
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    Well congrats for taking step 1! The next thing to do is decide how you are going to start. You mentioned weight watchers, so this may be a great way to begin as well as being completely honest with yourself. I have had roller coaster weight gain/loss for most of my life, so I understand the frustration of being the "fat" girl and weight gains after weight losses. I found a book that has helped me understand why I emotionally eat as it seems that you may do that I think you may want to check out, "50 Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food" by Psy.D. Susan Albers. I am hoping this time around will be the last haha. If you want, you can add me and we'll help each other in our weight loss journeys. :bigsmile:
  • lorigreg
    lorigreg Posts: 61
    Must be the day for beginning and beginning again. The weather is beautiful in Massachusetts and that helped me to finally get off my butt and start walking. I am 54 years old and I am determined to do it this time. I have two weddings to go to this summer and one of them is for my son. Don't want to walk into that wedding as the mother of the bride looking like a blimp while my ex-husband's new wife looks half the size of me.