

  • You can get your water from fruit and vegetables as well - think cucumbers and watermelons, those are usually more than 90% water (I'd go easy on the watermelon though, it has a lot of sugar as well), oranges, grapefruits, tomatoes, celery, too. Green tea and milk, if you enjoy those.
  • It's their right to remain anonymous if they prefer it so. I for one didn't even realize this was an actual community when I was asked to create an account by a phone application. I just wanted a place to log my meals and progress and this was pretty much it.
  • The scale is my best friend and my worst enemy. I try not to overdo it and only limit myself to the weekly weigh-in, but it's a tough fight.
  • True! A lot of people (sadly even those who label themselves as bi) confuse bi-curiosity with bisexuality. Just ogling someone of the same gender does not a bisexual make :).
  • Vegetables and fruit. I keep a plate full of sliced veggies and fruit on my desk and eat from it all day long at the office. Gone are those pesky cravings for unhealthy snacks, I'm so surprised!
  • Not true, ridiculous misconception among men :). I don't think women have the same opinion, we know better.