makingthebook Member


  • Planning my nuptials for July 6th 2014! I don't have very much time. I would really like to lose 25 pounds.
  • Don't worry be happy! I'm having the same problem, except I think mine is a little more severe. You may be weighing yourself a little too much. The body naturally shifts in weight from morning to evening and from day to day. Pick one day a week at a certain time and stick with that. Also, you retain water for more reason…
  • I usually try to plan for the weekend ahead of time by doing extra at the Gym. I found it's the only way for to have a normal social life and not lose my mind!!! If it's your first week, don't worry; you'll get the rhythm of it. Wake up saturday and hit the Gym and enjoy your youth saturday night.
  • You're okay!!!! I have been doing MFP for 4 months and just met the 15 pound mark today (27.4 more to go!). Depending on your size, height, and disposition to hold water, some people see results faster than others. As long as you're averaging at least 1 pound a week, I wouldn't worry about it. Also, make sure that you are…
  • I have this same problem. The only thing that works for me is time. I've tried drinking more water over the summer and in severely dry winter months....but my weight still hits a complete stall during these times. I've just learned to accept it and judge my progress by my own consistency. Eventually it does come off and…
  • I just finished my masters program in Special Education and plan to teach this fall. I really hope to find something. I have been getting interviews but no offers just yet. I have my fingers crossed.