Summer Heat Water Retention--help?

I live in the South which means hot and muggy summers averaging 90+ degrees Fahrenheit most every day. In these months I have a terrible time with water retention if I am outside for any bit of time, mostly in my legs. I'm still doing my same routine with working out, drinking plenty of water, and eating within my deficit but because I'm now constantly swollen my weight is fluctuating insanely.

I do weigh every day in the morning and keep track of my weight just to see what my body does and in the last two weeks I've had rapid fluctuation each day. I'll weigh one thing and then have a 3+lb gain the next day, go down 2lbs, etc. And it's all just climbing slowly upward on the scale, basically seeming to undo a month's worth of loss. I've tried fluid pills, drinking lots of water, drinking a little bit of water, lots of rest, keeping my legs propped up, and staying indoors and in the A/C as much as I can but nothing seems to be working.

Is there anything I can do to get rid of all this swelling so I don't have three months of no progress?


  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Bumping this up since it's been a few hours. Surely someone has insight into this?
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    You need to track sodium and potassium in doing so keep the potassium numbers equal or higher than the sodium numbers .

    Baked potatoes, cantaloupe, spinach, tomatoes, yogurt, and of course bananas
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Select the option that checks your daily sodium intake in your food diary and see how much you are consuming.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Select the option that checks your daily sodium intake in your food diary and see how much you are consuming.

    I can't accurately do that. I take a prescription that contains salt, it's why I drink around 30 servings of 8 oz of water a day. I have to drink that much to flush it through my system so I don't dehydrate or swell.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Let me reiterate for everyone: My diet has not changed, meaning my sodium levels would not have changed either. I also cannot track my sodium as I take medicine that, for lack of better words, is pretty much made of salt and I have been taking it for 4 years now. As for the potassium, I do eat yogurt, bananas, and other foods containing it. I would track it but if the point of tracking it is to compare the numbers with the sodium, why do it?

    I am aware of the whole sodium thing but I'd like to point out the title of my thread and what I mentioned in my initial post: this is coming from being out in the heat of a Southern American summer. I want help on that, if at all possible.

    And I'm sorry if I seem crass, I have a touch of heat exhaustion and it's made me a bit snippy. I just honestly want some help so I don't trudge through summer floating between the same 10lbs depending on how much I spent outside the day before.
  • Karstenf
    Karstenf Posts: 85 Member
    Sounds to me like you might need to detox. Yes, you are flushing out your system daily, but deposits are still made throughout your body. A week of fasting or some type of detox diet should help your liver recover a bit so it can process more efficiently, which will balance out your mineral tolerance. Also, if your insulin level stays high it will make you retain water like crazy. So if you're carbing it up your muscles will hold water to store these carbs as a quick source of fuel. Again, a short fast or detox diet will improve your insulin resistance. Lastly, it may just be genetics. Depending on what kind of life our ancestors lived, certain adapations in metabolism occur, and these changes can be passed on to future generations. But knowing this may help you find an altogether different solution. Good luck and stay hydrated!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Well the potassium will counter that if you missed see the post
  • Kymwho
    Kymwho Posts: 183 Member
    I have the same exact problem and live in the south as well. Our temps have been 101-104 for the last 3days. I have gained 10LBS in 3 days. The swelling in my legs and feet is very bad right now and very uncomfortable. I also take Lasix. Just started back on that on Saturday. Thanks to a different dr switching up my meds and taking away the Lasix for a month... I've watched my sodium intake over the last few days and will continue to do so. I've NEVER seen this much water weight on myself.. It's a bit scary. ALso, I've increased my water intake to around 85oz per day.. thought it may help flush out the excess fluid. Lost here..
  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    Drink green tea, eat asparagus. Both are great diuretics, helps with water retention. Warning: You will be running to the loo a lot!
    Drink about 5 cups a day.
  • makingthebook
    makingthebook Posts: 9 Member
    I have this same problem. The only thing that works for me is time. I've tried drinking more water over the summer and in severely dry winter months....but my weight still hits a complete stall during these times. I've just learned to accept it and judge my progress by my own consistency. Eventually it does come off and you see your results. Until then, just keep reminding yourself that you are progressing no matter what the scale says.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I have the same exact problem and live in the south as well. Our temps have been 101-104 for the last 3days. I have gained 10LBS in 3 days. The swelling in my legs and feet is very bad right now and very uncomfortable. I also take Lasix. Just started back on that on Saturday. Thanks to a different dr switching up my meds and taking away the Lasix for a month... I've watched my sodium intake over the last few days and will continue to do so. I've NEVER seen this much water weight on myself.. It's a bit scary. ALso, I've increased my water intake to around 85oz per day.. thought it may help flush out the excess fluid. Lost here..

    Same here minus the diuretic. It's also a matter of circulation. I sit a lot for my job and before I know it, my feet are swelling! If I get up and walk briskly for 10 minutes my feet are back to normal.