

  • I think I'm going backwards. I've tried eating all my calories, not eating all my calories, changing up my work out with cardio and strength training and my measurements have remained the same and I'm gaining weight. Starting weight 175lbs May 11, 2009: 172.6 June1, 2009: 178.4 Not sure what else to do.
  • It's official. I am now discouraged. I don't know what to do anymore. I've tried eating all of my calories, I've tried leaving some, I've tried cardio 5 times a week, went down to twice a week with strength training twice a week with a personal trainer (doesn't understand either) and I have gained weight on the scale and…
  • I didn't check in yesterday as I went for my yearly physical and doctor told me that at 37 years old, I was entering menopause. Oh yeah.... But after the Not so good news, he weighed me and.... Starting weight 175lbs May 11, 2009: 172.6 I guess its not so bad. I quit smoking almost two months ago and I'm losing weight,…
  • I will be meeting with a personal trainer on Monday and she will work with me to reach my goal. I can't wait. With the motivation from these groups and from a personal trainer, I'm sure I will get this done.
  • I am female, and I'm not weighing myself near TOM. I took my measurements and my waist has actually increased. My pants are tighter than last week. It's just mind boggling.
  • I might just do that. I didn't feel right eating those exercise calories... It felt like cheating. Thank you so much for all of your advice... Thank you for all the support you guys are giving. You're all amazing!!!
  • I guess I'll have to invest in HRM. It's just so frustrating. Thanks for the advice! I'll "run" with it...
  • CW 175lbs GW 130lbs
  • I joined the Y April 15th and have been going 5 days a weeks. Working out on the elliptical anywhere from 30 minutes to 75 minutes a day. I drink at least 96 oz of water a day and eat my exercise calories. I lost a couple of pounds the first week but now I've gained it back. It's getting discouraging. I work very hard and…
  • Is it too late to join your tribe?:bigsmile:
  • Hello Everyone, I joined this site a few days ago and I just love it. It has been quite an interesting year for me. I've divorced, stopped smoking and now on my way to losing 50lbs. I know I will accomplish my goal but it will take alot of hard work and support. Joining a forum is a new one for me. I will need all the…
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