

  • My husband has had a weight problem as far back as he can remember. When we married, he was 210 lbs. As of last June, he was 458 lbs. I'd tried to lose weight, but because he didn't do it with me, I fell back into my old eating patterns, and gained back everything I'd lost. When he was his largest, even walking across a…
  • Wouldn't it be neat if they had a treadmill with a virtual tv screen where you'd get more of the feeling as if you're walking in a neighborhood? Somehow include the ability to make turns on the treadmill too. That way you could feel a little bit more like you're walking outside, but with the benefits of not having to worry…
  • One of the recent Cooking Light magazines had a section on pizzas. The 3 Cheese and spinach was wonderful.
  • I've been successful at functions like these by eating BEFORE you go! Before leaving for the party, eat healthy foods, be sure to eat some protein. It's a whole lot easier to say "No" on a fuller stomach. Senses that will trigger overeating are sight and smell. Don't hang around the food tables too.
  • Thanks for answering my question.
    in Help Comment by High_D June 2012
  • What does "bump" mean? (Sorry I'm new to the message board.)
  • Eating more protein also helps curb hunger. Increase protein, decrease (not eliminate) carbs. The average woman should try to eat 120 g protein per day. Even on a higher protein diet I have a hard time achieving this.
  • I have a Belgian Malanois mix (very similar to a German shepherd). Being a sheperding dog, she needs LOTS of exercise. When we attended obedience school they recommended the Gentle Leader. For our walks, I've combined this with a retractable leash. I allow her to go as far in front of/behind me as the leash allows. When I…
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