

  • I'm on day 14 and have lost 8 pounds. I'm going to start putting in some exercise and see if i can drop more quickly. i do have more energy and feel better.. i have made an amazing coffee drink that i do everyday! i love coffee drinks!!! that was one thing that caused me to gain weight, baskin robbins cappuccino blast..…
  • are you on any type of program??
  • i always step back and think "are these people who are saying this, are they realy involved in my life, do they know my heart, reason, and do they realy care for me", if not then let it just roll off your back. you live your life, no one can live it for you. your health matters more than an opinion of a co-worker. just…
  • i am using body bu vi and my first week i have lost 5 pounds! thats including, changing my eating habits to a healthier lifestyle, no sodas, moderation and lots of water! when at work i drink a liter of water before noon and the last part of the day i drink another liter. it turns out being almost 9 cups of water. i am…
  • i am on day 8 and so far lost 5 pounds. my entire eating habits have changed and now im going to start working out and see what may happen. i drink about 2 liters of water a day which is almost 9 cups. no sodas. no candy. eating fruits and veggies for my snacks. i do have a coffee shake for the morning with some frozen…