seney57 Member


  • diets don't work, you need to change your eating style. I struggle with this when I'm stressed. I know people and my doctor who eat only whole food and only good fats, and they are slim, trim and healthy. May try watching the info commercial for the diet solution with jeff and partner, I am not endorsing their products I'm…
  • I thought the idea was to burn the calories not to regain more calories to eat, if you continue to eat the extra calories won't you just stay at the same weight?
  • there are a few ways to help with menopause symptoms and weight gain. With the symptoms I drink ice water and go out side. I take a sweater on and off frenquently and have my home a little cooler. REcently I find that excersice really helps. So with drinking the water and the exercise I should be able to take care of the…
  • These muffins look like a great idea to take to work, I think I'll try them with egg whites kale and sundrid tomatoes and feta chesse. I work long hours so these would be the perfect breakfast or afternoon pick me up , thanks for the recipe