

  • I only just started PGX last weekend. Definitely need to start slow with this, because most of the side effects come from taking too high of a dose too soon. The first day I took three pills in total and had bad cramps and bloating. I cut down to two and then built up slowly. I'm now at 2 pills per meal with no real side…
  • I found that I can skip some of the prep steps and it still cooks up fine. I cut it in half lengthwise, take out the seeds, and then just cover each half in tin foil and back it on a sheet for about 40-45 min at 400. I just poke it with a fork to see if its done. The water in the squash gets trapped by the tin foil and…
  • Every day is a new opportunity. Every one of us has fallen off track at some point so you're not alone. You have to be careful with the "all back to square one" thinking, it's very black and white. You went off course and now you're back on:)
  • Info for anyone who's interested http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2333882/Donating-blood-good-YOUR-health-receiver.html
  • I've been doing partial liquid diet for the past couple weeks with excellent results. I drink a carnation instant breakfast (premixed, no sugar added version) for breakfast and lunch, three healthy snacks, and a good dinner. Honestly, I feel fantastic. The shakes are tasty, I never really get all that hungry and I feel…
  • I'm trying the 5k zombie run app for the first time today. Wish me luck, I don't normally run unless its for the bus.