Zombies, Run!



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    ^ :laugh:

    it's fun.
    i think i'll get the 5k too since it's just 99 cents.

    i also wanted to say that it works for android too, not just iStuff
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I have this app and I love it too. The online section of this has been glitching for me recently, so I started packing around my little ipod nano and using the built in Nike pedometer to track my calories burned. Zombies online started working for me again today so now I have a question - Nike says I burned 251 calories, and Zombies says I burned 666. I actually had Nike running about 5 min before I started Zombies, and ended both within a min of eachother. Can anyone confirm the Zombies calories burned accuracy? I hope that makes sense. Thanks for any info!

    I typically have Runkeeper and Zombies, Run going together, since I start ZR when I leave the door, but warm up a bit before starting Runkeeper when I actually start running. Plus, I like how Runkeeper tells me my time and distance every so often.

    ZR calorie burn is way too high for me. It's almost as if it's reading my weight in kg instead of pounds.
  • devidiva1
    devidiva1 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks! I thought that seemed kind of ridicuously high, especially for a brisk walk!
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    Want to try it after reading this thread but...isn't it scary?? I am a total wuss when it comes to scary stuff so I don't want it if I am going to be genuinley terrified lol
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    Thanks for the info, I am going to check it out!

    If you thought that was fun you might like the 5K mud run and obstacle course run called Run for your lives! You get chased by zombies while slogging through mud, electricity, jumping hurdles, and of course trying to out run the zombies! I did it last year with my husband and we had so much fun we signed up that day for the next one!
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    Will it work with the elliptical too? or just running?
  • projektai
    projektai Posts: 107 Member
    Now I wish I had an iphone.
    That sounds like something that would get me running!
  • clhardy5
    clhardy5 Posts: 68 Member
    Ok...sounded like fun...so I downloaded the 5k and did it on the treadmill this morning - The app uses an accelerometer to count steps...so you don't HAVE to use a GPS signal - but it didn't give distance which was a little bummer. When its more than -2 outside....I'll try outside!

    I like the idea that you can use your own music and there is a 'story line".

  • Katxith
    I'm trying the 5k zombie run app for the first time today. Wish me luck, I don't normally run unless its for the bus.
  • Pesan915
    Hi there,

    Since you have both apps, can you please tell me what is the difference between them two? Im thinking of buying it but not sure which one. The 5k prize is $.99 and the other one is $3.99. Hope you can help, thanks :smile: