

  • Hey, I was wondering if I could join the challenge? I've never really tried one before just going at it alone. I would love to get some additional support. Stats: 6/1 ...231 Summer Goal 7/31 ....195
  • :laugh: Hey, I just saw this recipe on cook yourself thin. They look delicious.
  • Wow that's fantastic. I've just taken up running. It's good to know I can get to the point where I can run a marathon too. Congrats and good luck w/ the next one.
  • No, but awhile back I tried those TAE BO video's I ended up a week later with two inflamed knees I had to go to the Emergency Room and have the fluid drained. Not a fun expereience and on top of that I still have trouble with my knees. Make sure that your careful. I've recently taken up jogging and I burned over 900…
  • Windsor Pilates is fabulous. It really tones you up and is great for an all body work out. I also like to go to youtube and watch video's.
  • This is a great place to start watching your caloric intake. I've used diff diets in the pasts. LC (low carb) LF (Low Fat) but now I am using the Calorie which is easier for me since there are alot of snacks that you can buy now that are 100 packs. or Less. I use the small saucer plates and always use a measuring cup for…
    in HI Everyone Comment by jadeca April 2009
  • Wow That's awesome. I wanted to get that really bad but kids wanted the XBOX instead. What is beach body? You said you lost a 130 pounds that's amazing. I want to lose about that. Congratulations!