sapalee Member


  • My coach encourages us to come in even if we are sore. I'd never go otherwise! Rolling, warming up, stretching, and a good workout usually much improves things. He encourages us to stay home and rest if we just feel really drug out and tired overall. And if we have a particular injury or strain we just work around it. Hope…
  • This cracks me up everytime, have yo usee the **** crossfit girls say one? I need more chalk! I have to pee Is this paleo It's my cheat day to just name a few funny ones
  • What about throwing in some chunks of fruit or veg for flavor? I have sliced cucumber in my water right now...
    in Mio Lovers Comment by sapalee June 2012
  • Ugh, we LOVE In&Out, haven't eaten at one in years though since we moved back East. Last time was in Arizona after a Grand Canyon hike...AMAZING. I hate you alittle bit right now for making me think of In and Out and not providing me with any :)
  • Eh, I don't really know. I haven't done away with it my house because my husband would probably leave me, lol. The home made recipe on was just lemon juice, eggs, and olive oil. All allowed, it tasted great but we didn't whip it correctly to get the right texture. I think all the store brands…
  • For me, cold turkey. Tapering down doesn't get rid of the cravings for. I've done it when I also went cold turkey from grains, so I can't say whether symptoms were from one, the other, or both. I was tired and a little grumpy but within a week, maybe even a few days felt great, no more cravings and no more afternoon…
  • Could be a really good tool then....
    in Burpee Bank Comment by sapalee June 2012
  • Oh, and I've set my cholesterol goals WAY higher than that 200mg recommendation. My breakfast of eggs would send my through the roof alone.
  • Copletely anecdotal but... my dad just went in to see his doc and his cholesterol is wonderful. He eats a great deal of meat that many would consider unhealthy, bacon included, high in cholesterol and sat. fat. At my house between the two of use we go through about a packacge a week, I buy the nitrate free unpreserved or…
  • It's one of the few supplements that research continues to support as beneficial. I like the idea of just a little a day, my protein powder has it in the mix.
    in Creatine? Comment by sapalee June 2012
  • :) Oh no, what if her uterus falls out?!
    in CROSSFIT? Comment by sapalee June 2012
  • Welcome to the cult! Best thing I've done for myself. Here's a CF group you can join.
    in CROSSFIT? Comment by sapalee June 2012
  • lol
    in CROSSFIT? Comment by sapalee June 2012
  • In nose out mouth is what I try for. Usually in for 3 counts, out for 2. As my endurance has improved I've been able to do more in for 2, out for 2. Or just nice big easy in and out.
  • I'm not that familiar with Insanity, just the little I hear from my sister-in-law who does (also back to her high school weight btw, two kids later). It sounds like the metabolic conditioning is really similar, the weightlifting is probably the biggest difference.
  • Can only speak from personal experience here but I'll throw my 6 cents in :) I was a competitve swimmer in my teens and had a rocking six-pack. Ten years later I had gotten weak and soft. At 5'9" and 135 I was 26% BF, weak, and about 10 lbs higher than my six-pack days weight. My "fighting weight" as my hubby calls it. I…
  • I've never heard such nonsense. And as a previous competitive swimmer I have never known a "bulky" swimmer. I do second the opinion that swimming makes me HONGRY and what some people call swimming for exercise is a joke. All about the effort and intensity. Keep it up :)
  • My average for the week usually comes out low. And very good point about the hunger cues :)
  • Yep, cravings always kick back up too. I just use it as a reminder next time I'm tempted, is it really worth it?
  • I love the skin. Sweet potatoes, not so much, completely different.
  • Stop not liking them, and be awesome instead. j/k :) your tastes will gradually change, just keep at it and try new things and variety.
  • SFH has natural.
  • For my brand it's 1/3 cup. Sounds like it varies a good bit and checking with the manufacturer would be the way to go.
  • That would be awesome. There is one literally right around the corner from where I am moving to. I would love to go there, we'll have to see how the $$ plays out.
  • I don't worry about the sugar number because a vast majority of it comes from my fruit and I'm not concerned with that. Berries have the least by the way, and my favorite. A little bit here and there from dark chocolate and different sauces. Just cut it out where you can, it is added to so many things and will add up…
  • I'm down to a 2 day a week membership for $ and coomute, this makes me sad but the drive was killing me. I also do NROLW with my moms 2 days a week and then sometimes throw in a day of sprint work or some WOD stuff I can do at home. I've been trying to follow the 3 on 1 off but sometimes it turns into 3 on 2 off. I never…
  • I got a sample packet of Muscle Milk recently and was not impressed at all, at the flavor, texture, or ingredients.
  • It's great! I've slipped lately and am feeling the consequences, need to tighten back up my choices. Cheese is my problem.
  • SFH also makes a "natural" one that has no added flavors or sweeteners. Smells awful (like baby formula) but tastes fine. They also use grass-fed if that matters.