

  • You are a source of inspiration! Great job.
    in 36 pounds Comment by kc3poh April 2012
  • I'm 5'5...so, close! :) SW: 163 CW: 155 GW: 125 What I'm up to: I am starting a 12 week fitness program next Monday through the YMCA. The person that loses the highest percentage of weight, wins a car. LOL. I doubt I will win, but it will be fun to "play" with my friends. I am counting calories and making sure to save room…
  • What a douchey thing to say with absolutely, douchetastic timing. However, I am SO glad that not every stupid, hurtful thing I've blurted out gets held against me. Talk to him. Find out where his heart REALLY is. Decide from there.
  • Can I join?!?!? I was trying to do the "10 pounds in April" and realized that would be almost impossible and pretty unhealthy for me to attempt. :) Friday, March 30th: 158 Friday, April 6th: 158 :( Friday, April 13th: Friday, April 20th: Friday, April 27th: For those with Braum's stores: Fat Free No Sugar Added Cherry…
  • I wanna join! CW: 159 GW: 149 I'm motivated!!!
  • How stinking motivating are you?!?!? Thank you SO much for sharing. You are coming along beautifully!
  • I weigh myself every day...but that is mainly because I moved my scale to the kitchen...right beside the fridge. :) It's a mental thing for me. It makes me think to myself, "Ugh - that Braum's ice cream looks so good, but I think that number on the scale going down would look even better."
  • Thank you! And congrats on your weight loss and motivation. I love that your motto is, "The light finally turned on." I feel like that's what happened with me, too.
  • Hi and welcome! I am new to MFP, too. Super congratulations on your weight loss! I got two of my co-workers to start MFP with me in hopes of us encouraging each other. :) You and your wife can feel free to "friend" me. We can all motivate each other!