

  • I feel your pain!!! I have been going over quite a bit here lately and it sucks! And then I'm mad that I went over the past couple of days so I just kinda quit caring:( It is really hard to beat that fail and youre a failure attitude, but I know that you can turn it around just like I can! We just need to focus on all the…
  • 5 ft 8 and right now my goal is to reach 150 lbs, but after that I would love to get down to around 140-135 lbs
  • Thanks guys. I appreciate the help! I ate subway for lunch and a light breakfast too hoping that would also help
    in HELP!!! Comment by adnorri October 2011
  • Dont worry about starting over again. I know it sucks cause I have done it many times too, but at least that means that you are still trying! Dont ever give up!!! We can do this:happy:
  • me too!!! on facebook there is alot of complaining and extra stuff that im not really all about. i decided i needed to surround myself with people that are going through the same things that i am so that we can help motivate each other rather than just hear myself talk.
  • Feel free to add me. Im pretty new on here as well and could use some extra motivation and would love to encourage you as well.
  • After I had my baby I was 250 lbs. I lost some weight naturally and got down to 215 lbs, but I started to get very discouraged because even though I had lost some weight it seemed to have completely stopped. So I started taking phentermine. I got down to 172 lbs while on the pill!!! I did stop taking it after the…
  • Thanks so much everyone!!!
  • YES! I have been down this road several times and with good results some of them, but I always seem to gain it all back :( I am really tired of the yoyoing and would love to make healthy eating a permenant part of my life but I feel as if I am losing control when I cant have whatever I want and how much ever I want.
  • Well I tend to feel like this when I get overwhelmed, but since I changed jobs most of that has gone away and now its mostly just when I try to start eating better. The thought of having to give up junk food is horrible! I feel like someone is taking away my best friend. Tonight we went to eat and I already knew the…
  • I was doing a bootcamp with my friend and started having real problems with my knees. I went to my massage therapist and he fixed it within a couple of treatments. I dont know if this is something that you have access to but it really helps. I was so upset too when I thought that I wasnt going to be able to run or do the…
  • I myself have a problem with low self esteem and it sounds really crazy to say but I never really put the two together. Just since I read your post I think that is the reason why I do tend to overeat!!! I have thought for years to myself "why do I keep overeating?" and I think I now finally know the answer :) I really…
  • Eat some lean protein along with your friuts and veggies. If you do have to eat out make the best decision that you can possibly make. Go to Subway or look for low fat options at other places. You can pull up alot of places nutritional facts on their websites. Hope this helps!
  • I really appreciate all of you! This is the first time I have posted on a weight loss site before and Im hoping that people that have been in the same place that I am right now can keep me motivated and help me to change my life. I want to be healthy for myself and for my son. I dont want him to struggle the way that I…
  • Thanks! The problem is that I have done this several times. I have lost weight and then gained and then lost again and gained even more back. I cant seem to maintain because I always go back to my old "frienemy" food. I do feel better and happier and then for some reason I end up getting off track and gaining it all back.…
  • I have my husband but he has always been thin so he doesnt really understand the struggles that you go through when you have to fight your weight all the time. So I guess no I really dont have one. Sorry Im new on here so I dont really know how to do everything. This is supposed to be directed towards nickfrench
  • I really like my collarbones, feet and my wrists. I think that I have a pretty smile too:)