

  • I lost 10 lbs in October and I am going to go for another 5 lbs this month. Good luck to everyone! Current weight is 195.:smile:
  • About 10 years ago, my husband forgot my birthday. I was determined not to remind him. At the end of the night, I did. He left and went to the store and bought me a flower and a card. He shouldn't have done that because I wnet off on him. I told him I never forget him and with all that we do for each other, I shouldn't be…
  • Good Morning Everyone! From all the post I have read, sounds like everyone is doing well. :flowerforyou: I haven't been able to do a lot of exercise for the past few weeks.:sad: I have had some numbness in my right leg. My doctor sent me to have a nerve test done and it appears I may have a pinched nerve in my lower back.…
  • I would put in under exercise, and that will show you how many calories you burned. Gives you extra calories for that day.
  • While seeing a weight doctor years ago, he taught me that if you saved calories one day, you could use them on another day. Should be in the same week. The main thing is keeping track of everything you put in your mouth. Monitoring. By saving calories one day, allows you a night out with friends, family, etc. But still…
  • Thanks to everyone for their post. :flowerforyou: Lot of motivation, and it is always good to know I wasn't the only one that didn't do what they should have done. :cry: I did overeat this weekend, but got back on track yesterday afternoon. :smile: Wishing everyone a great week and my prayers are with each of you.
  • October 1st - 205.9 October 14th - 198 Lost 7.9 lbs I met my goal for October. So I am going to try for another 5 lbs. :heart:
  • Good morning to everyone. Sounds like everyone is doing well. I went to Six Flags Over Georgia yesterday with my daughter, SIL and three grandsons. We had a wonderful time. Didn't completely blow my diet but I did eat a few things I shouldn't have. One good thing is that I walked all day long. Since I don't ride the rides…
  • I know I have lost a little weight, but I won't weigh untile next Friday. I wasn't able to walk yesterday due to keeping my 19 month old grandson, however I got motivated to clean out the refrigerator, the pantry and a cabinet of bowls and lids. That was four hours of non-stop cleaning. Today I am going for a mammogram and…
  • Good Morning to everyone. I babysat my 19 month old grandson yesterday, so I wasn't able to get out and walk. However, I got motivated to clean out the refrigerator, the pantry and my cabinet full of mismatched bowls and lids. That was about four hours of non-stop cleaning. And I did stay in my calorie limit and had 9…
  • I have enjoyed reading everyone's post. It motivates me to get up and get moving. Jennifer, I have also been under the weather with sinus problems and haven't felt like doing anything. But today I plan on doing some walking. Hope you get to feeling better. Becky, When I first retired, my plans were to make exercising a new…
  • Hello everyone! My name is Glynda and I am looking for the right group. After reading all the post, I think this would be a great group to join. I am 56 years old, recently retired from working 34 years at a gas utility company. Miss seeing co-workers, who became good friends. I have two adult children and 5 grandchildren.…
  • Come join us in the October Challenge to lose 5 lbs. Small steps and taking it one day at a time. I love this site just about as much as I like Facebook. I am addicted to both. Better than a food addicition, which I admit to...Good luck.
  • I am in. Weight on Oct 1st was 205.9...GW 200.9 on Oct 31st . I am also doing the end of the year challenge to lose 20 lbs. Good luck to everyone.
  • I am in. I want to lose 20 lbs by the end of the year. I have just started an exercise progam. I will be weighing in every other Friday. My start weight is 205.9. I am taking one day at a time. Good luck to everyone.
  • I feel your pain. I also love to cook and sometimes find it hard to fiigure out the serving size. When I was doing Weight Watchers, I would count all the serving sizes of the ingrediets, figure calories, fat and fibers to get my points. It is much easier to just track the calories. I think by using the recipe tool and…
  • Thanks. It looks like you are doing good. And you're right, it is ONE DAY AT A TIME! My biggest mistake is that I always stop tracking my food and exercise. This time I am going to stick with it. Good luck to you.