anyone up for a New Years Challenge?

I need to get these last 19 pounds off and to get moving..anyone up for some type of Challenge? I have let my back pain rule some of me ...I'm thinking for me..It'll be 5 days at the gym or Zumba and the other two days I can either go to the gym or walk..I'd like to lose at least 15 by then..I weigh in everyday but only count it once a week...Also going to up the water to 12 glasses a day..


  • JennBennett410
    I am up for it! I would love 15 pounds by Christmas too! Let's do this! I am going to increase my running to 2 days a week, and 3 miles a run, zumba two days a week and strength training another two days a week! GOOD LUCK!
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    I have started yesterday - by myself but it can't hurt to join you too :)

    I'm 110% determined to be serious till 12/31 - i'm kind of in a mentality now - thinking i'm on the biggest loser ranch :)
    every day counts, every bite counts.. i want to get max. results - and i'm willing to work for it..

    So let's get it going :) My weigh in's are on friday's - last day of the year is friday too , so it would be the la st weigh in day with the final results

    I have named my own journey " the final countdown 92 " - ( starting yesterday i had 92 days to go- now its 91 )

    do you have specific weigh in days or you want to make it friday's ?

    what are your plans for your program ?

    mine is 1500 kcl a day
    5x workouts - 60/80 min

    i have lot's of dvd's - jillian, big. loser, bob harper, tae-bo , etc.. ( probably arround 30+ workouts just on dvd's )
    have weights, balls, treadmill, bike.. and plan to do some hiking when it finally cools down here in AZ..

    Looking forward to an exciting " final countdown :) " adventure.. let's get skinny
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I usually weigh in officially on Fridays or Saturdays..I killed it at the gym today-92 minutes-woohoo!
  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member
    Sure. I'll join. When do we do our first weigh in? I usually weigh in on Monday, but I can change it.
  • abbracadabra
    I'm in! I'd like to lose 25# by the end of the year. I've started using a HRM so I'm tracking my workouts better.
  • betterchoices
    Yes I'd like too join! New Years Day is my target!!

    I want to lose 13 lbs in the next three months.

    Thats 1 lb a week for 13 weeks ending New Years eve. Fri 12/31.

    My plan so far, reasonably stay with in my BMR cals, up my protein, drink 100 oz of water daily, workout 5 days a week, 3 of those days will include strength training. I'll tweak as I go.

    My weigh -in day is Friday also.
  • betterchoices
    THANKS :flowerforyou:
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    i'm in, i'm in other challenges, but i can use more to help me get my goal before new years. besides jan. 2nd is my birthday and i like to be in my goal zone, before i turn forty yikes! fridays is great for me.

    my started weight is 226lbs. when i started losing weight back in january of 2009 now it's going almost 2 years since i've been i this weight loss journey. now as of today i'm 161.6lbs.
  • Certified_Femail
    Certified_Femail Posts: 75 Member
    curious, do you eat your calories that you earn?
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I would like to join. I travel for a living so workouts are hard for me to get in.
    I would like to be down 10-15 pounds by the end of the year.
    I don't have acess to a scale so I am going to judge my loss by the way my pantrs fit. I can use all the freinds and help I can get to stay on course and keep myself going
  • benct6008
    benct6008 Posts: 20 Member
    I have been waiting for a long term challenge to come up. Let's get it going! Looking forward to hearing the challenge. I would love to lose about 20 pounds by new years.
  • tucker131
    I'm in. I am moving at the end of the year and hope to lose at least 10 pounds by then. It will be a challenge with all the food holidays.
  • tucker131
    I'm in. I am moving at the end of the year so the timing is crucial as I want to move with less weight literally.
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    I would love to do this!!! not sure how much I want to lose, but I will set a goal and achieve it. I am kind of stubborn that way. Wish everyone the best of luck with getting rid of the pounds!.
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    abouI try not to because the exercise counter on here seems to be a bit off. I base mine off of what I am supposeed to consume in a day and not the added earnings just because the tracker does not seem as accurate as a HRM or other sites. I went to the gym yesterday and worked out on the eliptical trainer. When I was done, the machine told me I burned about 150 and when I logged it in on MFP, it said about 300. I am not sure which is right but I figure why chance eating extra added calories when I really don't need to.
  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member
    Guess I didn't put a goal in yet. Let's see if I can get to 185 by new years. I weigh myself tomorrow.
  • squishyfishy
    Can I join in too please. I want to lose 18lbs and maintain by New Year. My target weight is 12stone.
  • glyndam
    glyndam Posts: 18
    I am in. I want to lose 20 lbs by the end of the year. I have just started an exercise progam. I will be weighing in every other Friday. My start weight is 205.9. I am taking one day at a time. Good luck to everyone.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm in!
    I was part of the 20 for Halloween challenge, but definitely lost more slowly as September continued!

    So, my goals:
    Drink my water. Every day. Even if I don't want it.
    Exercise at least 5 days per week (2 yoga, 1 Zumba, 2 varied...but leaning toward C25K)
    Stay at my 1200 allotted calories per day

    CW: 145
    GW for 12/20: 130

    edited to add: I've just downloaded the 5K101 podcasts.... now to go to work and get my tennis shoes on!
  • Just_Kris
    Just_Kris Posts: 9 Member
    I'm definitely in! The last year has been full of challenges, and I have been diddling around with losing weight the entire time. Two years ago when I moved to this area, I weighed 135 and wore cute little size 6 Levis and even flirted with some 4s. I have now gained 25 pounds and am officially back in double digit pants. This is completely unacceptable.

    My weigh in days are Mondays and there are 15 weeks until January 3rd. My goal is to lose 22 pounds (average of 1.5 pounds per week) by that date and get back into my Levis.

    I'm cutting out diet soda, beer and wine. I will focus on drinking water, tea and flavored water (I make my own by floating fruit in plain water ... no sugar or other sweetener involved). I will stay within my calorie allowances, and I will work on ways to get more exercise is.

    There. I put it in writing. Now lets git 'er DONE!