

  • P.S, I'm currently eating 1600 cals per day (I've averaged my calorie intake over the last week, and it came to 1599!), but when I take into account my exercise, (i.e. I subtract from that the amount of calories I've burned), that drops to 1450. I'm 5"8 and a size 14-16 (76 kilos). Should I really be eating all the…
  • If you're losing inches from your body, but the scales say you're not losing much weight, that means you're converting your fat into muscle. (This isn't surprising if you're working our 5x a week). Muscle is 4x heavier than fat. So you ARE losing fat, but your scales arent showing it as weight loss. Well done; if you feel…
  • I competely agree! I see my boyfriend roll his eyes when I turn over the packet to see the calories... but I just want to be healthy! Why is that so hard to understand?! I'm also in the same boat as you with no LOOKING heavy... I'm 5'8'' and a size 14-16... but it's how you feel, not how other people see you. I know I'd be…
  • I got the information from a booklet that came free with my boyfriend's "Men's Health" magazine. I found it quite useful too! I'm on about 1600 cals per day as well... that will cause me to lose 1lb per week. Because I'm not really that big (a size 14), MFP has obviously put me on a less strict diet than yourself. Because…
  • To work out how many calories you need to sustain your PRESENT weight, do this: Multiply your body weight in kilograms by 35. My weight is 76 kilos. To maintain this, I need (76 x 35 =) 2660 cals per day. To shift 1 lb of fat per week, you need to reduce your calorie intake by 500 calories per day. So to lose 4lbs a week,…
  • Is Cool Whip an American thing? I've never seen it here in the UK. I use sweeteners in my coffee (splenda, or hermesetas... spelling?!) because I drink 3-4 cups a day, and 2 teaspoons of sugar times 3-4 is a LOOOOT of calories. Also, I tend to get a wee bit hyper with all that sugar in my system! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I…
  • Thankyou :happy: Have you lost much weight yet?
  • I completely agree, it's much easier to cut down on bad snacks when you know that at the end of the day, you have to write it on here, and watch all your calories and fat creep up! I really need a partner too. My boyfriend says he will run with me, but he's so fit (he could happily run 10k!) that I don't really want to…
  • there's 14 pounds in a stone :smile:
  • Hello! I joined today. :happy: Was just wondering if anyone else is in the same situation as me... I'm desperate to lose 1 and a half stone, but obviously not lost anything yet since I just signed up! :tongue: So... anyone that's also a newbie (or even an oldie, that wants to join in! haha)... what are your goals? And your…