Yummy treat!!!!



  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Oooh - this looks really good! I'm going to try this one 4sure!

    Despite the controversy, I eat cool whip pretty often in one of my low fat desserts (I make sugar free/fat free/ pudding with non-fat milk, add a few mini marshmallows and top it off with cool whip). Even a real small portion satisfies the sweet tooth. I make up little containers ahead of time so that I can't cheat with more "tasties".

    Thanx for the recipe idea - mmm!
    I'll try my hardest not to top this recipe off with toasted coconut! :blushing:

    I am truly curious and in no way wanting a debate...I would really like to know why you think it isOK to put these chemicals in your body just to save a few calories.

    Is it the moderation argument? a little junk is OK?

    is it the "there are other worse things to eat" argument?

    why not eat the real thing? becasuse it has too many calories?

    thanks and I am really not wanting an argument..I just dont understand why people eat something like this.

    That's ok! I don't think you are "debating". I actually think that you are asking some good questions.
    I really don't have a good answer except for maybe your A and C. Truthfully, I would love to eat "the real thing" because I do believe it is better for you. Cooking is something I excel at and I enjoy making everything real and homeade (for when company comes over and I'm hosting dinner parties) but, for me and my weight loss, it's the calorie thing. I know in my mind that if I consume all of those calories, I will have to take away food (or even whole meals) from my daily allowance. Also, I had lost 80 lbs a few years ago by cutting back on the calories by eating Splenda and Cool Whip and all of that junk (in moderation of course). I need to keep going to get to my goal weight and I notice that a little of that stuff doesn't effect the way my body feels. Anyway, to make a long story short... You do have a good point. Maybe I'm ignorant or wrong but it seems to work (for me) to keep the calories down.

    thanks for the answer

  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Oooh - this looks really good! I'm going to try this one 4sure!

    Despite the controversy, I eat cool whip pretty often in one of my low fat desserts (I make sugar free/fat free/ pudding with non-fat milk, add a few mini marshmallows and top it off with cool whip). Even a real small portion satisfies the sweet tooth. I make up little containers ahead of time so that I can't cheat with more "tasties".

    Thanx for the recipe idea - mmm!
    I'll try my hardest not to top this recipe off with toasted coconut! :blushing:

    I am truly curious and in no way wanting a debate...I would really like to know why you think it isOK to put these chemicals in your body just to save a few calories.

    Is it the moderation argument? a little junk is OK?

    is it the "there are other worse things to eat" argument?

    why not eat the real thing? becasuse it has too many calories?

    thanks and I am really not wanting an argument..I just dont understand why people eat something like this.

    Oh c'mon Dave...isn't it an edible oil product.....yum...gotta love those!
  • mistyreed82
    Oh my...I didnt realize that this posting would stir up so many ppl. Im sorry...it was just a really good TREAT that tastes GOOD and was LOW cal! Again...Im sorry.....
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    no need to be sorry. I think Dave has good intentions- he just is very direct about his thoughts. Sometimes he sounds a bit harsh but I think his heart is in the right place. He is a good guy:happy:

    I never ate cool whip until I joined MFP, I had always gone for heavy whipping cream, whipped at home with some sugar. The REAL high octane stuff. I tried light cool whip cause I wanted to save on calories. I don't know what it is made of, but I didn't like the taste, so I won't get it again. But that's just me:ohwell:

    thanks for sharing your recipe- I'm sure lots of MFP'ers will enjoy it:flowerforyou:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Dave is sensitive, you never know what can happen here! And he does mean well, as Lucky said.

    On another argument "against" Cool Whip and Splenda:

    Your body perceives these as sweet, and it has been proven that people who continue to eat artificially sweetened foods have a harder time losing weight, because you really need to wean yourself from extremely sweet things - taste-wise - otherwise it's just a short step back to sugar once you start losing weight, or reach your goal.

    Maintanence of a weight is just as difficult as losing weight.

    I wonder why you want to make it harder on yourself? You are needing to change the way you think about all food. If you switch to natural foods, you will naturally be more satisfied and you won't be putting the chemicals in your body for the rest of your life. If you must have sweet food, use honey in very small quantitiy. You don't "need" Cool Whip or Splenda. It's just a bad habit to pick up.

    ` ` ` ` ` ` `` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
  • chellebelle315
    I suddenly understand why Dave seems to have been on a tirade all day and calling *everyone* cool whip eaters.

    lol too funny. It does sound yummy, though I'm not a cool whip fan, I'd probably use lowfat yogurt (and add a little honey for sweetness) instead and layer it just before serving....save the calories without the cool whip which is too greasy for me.

    Thanks for sharing the idea :smile:
  • mistyreed82
    Dave is sensitive, you never know what can happen here! And he does mean well, as Lucky said.

    On another argument "against" Cool Whip and Splenda:

    Your body perceives these as sweet, and it has been proven that people who continue to eat artificially sweetened foods have a harder time losing weight, because you really need to wean yourself from extremely sweet things - taste-wise - otherwise it's just a short step back to sugar once you start losing weight, or reach your goal.

    Maintanence of a weight is just as difficult as losing weight.

    I wonder why you want to make it harder on yourself? You are needing to change the way you think about all food. If you switch to natural foods, you will naturally be more satisfied and you won't be putting the chemicals in your body for the rest of your life. If you must have sweet food, use honey in very small quantitiy. You don't "need" Cool Whip or Splenda. It's just a bad habit to pick up.

    ` ` ` ` ` ` `` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `

    I dont intentionally eat bad things. I just never stopped to think about what the heck was in cool whip. and AGAIN...like I said before..I never eat the stuff...I just used in the treat I made, cuz a co-worker told me about it and thats what was in it. Im sure I can make it again sometime a different way. Thanks for the info and I am REALLY trying.....
  • Lynn661
    Lynn661 Posts: 28
    If you search the thread : A delicious blend of sugar, wax and condom lube- you will see why some are soo passionate about the cool whip topic.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    If you search the thread : A delicious blend of sugar, wax and condom lube- you will see why some are soo passionate about the cool whip topic.

    ya that was my thread...how do I find it?
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hey Dave, it's OK man. Here, have a piece of cake. And don't worry, it's low cal.
  • Kirsty_2112
    Is Cool Whip an American thing? I've never seen it here in the UK.

    I use sweeteners in my coffee (splenda, or hermesetas... spelling?!) because I drink 3-4 cups a day, and 2 teaspoons of sugar times 3-4 is a LOOOOT of calories.

    Also, I tend to get a wee bit hyper with all that sugar in my system! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I have been doing this for 3 years... since I hit my teens and started getting curvier. I've not had any ill effects. I know my body well (better than anybody, I'd say!), and if I displayed any adverse symptoms, I'd stop.

    It's a better habit than smoking/drug use/ getting ill because I'm too fat.... surely?
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    Question (re the whole cool whip thing). Dave, (and others) what do you have for treats? I'm assuming no sugar free pudding, ice cream, etc? Then what? Maybe (well, not maybe . YOu are) more self-controlled then me. I just want something (in addition to fruit)sweet.

  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Question (re the whole cool whip thing). Dave, (and others) what do you have for treats? I'm assuming no sugar free pudding, ice cream, etc? Then what? Maybe (well, not maybe . YOu are) more self-controlled then me. I just want something (in addition to fruit)sweet.


    For instance
    today I went on a 3.5 hour hike with a 20 lb backpack and burned 1889 calories

    I love treats

    I occasionally eat real ice cream (special occasions)
    I will occasionally eat real chocolate...I ove chocolate and use chocolate flavored whey protein powder with real milk

    I love love cheese cake if it isnt made with HFCS....once again I get the real stuff

    the thing is I dont eat treats on a regular basis and I make sure I have double the needed calories

    If it is a rare treat I appreciate it more and sometimes use it as a goal when I am getting tired during the workout...then when I am done...I dont actually want it anymore after I drink a bunch of ice cold water

    treats are a reality...but please dont fool yourself with the skinny cow and the low fat no sugar garbage

    fat free and sugar free almost always means MAN and his factories have altered the real ingredients to fool us and has added chemicals that have no business in our bodies

    added- I will also eat a few sweet tarts....they have junk in em but I will have one of those small rolls...I eat about 4-5 pieces of those nasty lil things and only if I have done a big cardio day...I prolly eat 1o sweet tarts a month...I savor them cause I know they aren't allowed
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    Dave: WOW! That is an AMAZING amt of self control. WOW!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Dave: WOW! That is an AMAZING amt of self control. WOW!

    it didnt happen overnight beleive me

    I have just read and learned and found how much better I feel and the boost in energy I have from eating less junk

    I aint no saint
    it takes time but I first had to accept that it is tough and learned to appreciate the benefits of burning calories so I could eat the real stuff

    anyone can do it
    we just have to quit foolin ourselves because someting says low cal means it is healthy

    it is really scary how marketing from corporations including government sanctioned FDA hoaxes are going for dollars instead of informing us

    all the politiicians scream HEALTH CARE HEALTH CARE...well they could start by stopping the lying to the people about what is really healthy and what isnt

    they know....but it is money first
    our health does not play into their decisions

  • paulam221
    Holy crazy!! What a stir over desert. For those who enjoy eating 'junk' will enjoy your recipe for those who would never put such 'junk' in their mouth, good for you! However, remember how you got here. If you NEVER put 'junk' in your mouth you wouldn't be trying to lose a few. Chill out & quit judging. If your not interested just keep moving. Raining on others parades is just not cool.
  • paulam221
    Milk Dave? That is gross. No other species besides human's consume milk after nursing. Our cows are laced with additives and hormones. Why do you think our youth at 15 have the bodies of a 21 yr old. You my boy are funny. I'd take a spoonful of full fat cool whip over a glass of milk any day.
  • southern_gurl
    I understand that everyone is passionate about their eating habits and so forth, but let me say, JEE WHIZ MAN!!! Rome was not built in a day, and me being a fan of the taste of cool whip (and I have lost 50 pounds in the past couple of years, cool whip and all) I say people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones! None of us are perfect, if we were we wouldn't be here, and if a spoonful of cool whip is the worst any of us do, than I say we are doing really good. I would understand the uproar if we were sucking down cups of lard, but such is not the case. I say let it go, to each his own, and work what works for you because we are ALL different!! Thanks for the recipe, it really was delish!!!