Wendy595 Member


  • I don't count cleaning as exercise. I also don't include my job which I spend probably a good 7 hours of it on my feet, lifting and moving freight. I don't count it because it isn't 30 continuous minutes of me keeping my heart rate up. I just use the MFP calorie count as a reference and try not to eat it back.
  • I am definitely in. I have a bad knee so I'm starting with 10 and hoping for the best. I'm definitely going to try :-) I need to strengthen these legs of mine!
  • Sounds great! I'm in. I was just telling my husband I need to strengthen my legs.
  • I'm a manager at a retail store and spend a good 7 hours of that 8 hours walking or lifting freight. I do not count it because it isn't time I set aside to get my heart rate up. Yeah I may be burning calories but that is just a typical part of my day. I
  • I'm right around 200 pounds and am aiming for 135/140. I'm also 5'4". Feel free to add me!
  • I started running at 205 and I'm 5'4". I started with Couch to 5K. I lost 15 pounds doing that program but I fell off the wagon and gained 8 of it back. So back I go to running!
  • Definitely watch your sodium intake. I had to start watching when I found out I had high HBP. I didn't realize how much sodium I was putting in my body! I have days where I still go over though.
  • Good job. Keep at it!
  • Good luck! The important thing is that you are jumping back in and not giving up. Keep at it :-)
  • I run with my husband outside because I hate running by myself. I still feel like people are staring at me. But while they are staring at me, I'm burning calories so I figure I have one up on them ;-) Just keep at it. It will get easier. Especially once you see progress with your running style and speed and stuff.
  • I've never done planks. Mostly cause I used to think I couldn't. So i am definitely going to work on it!
  • You look incredible! Congrats on the huge loss!
  • Awesome! I'm on week 3 and I'm still not as comfortable with the 3 mins as I want to be so I'm going to redo week 3. I want to ready for each week not struggling. Good for you!
    in W3D1 Comment by Wendy595 June 2012
  • I ran in the rain this week. I don't have a treadmill so I go outside. I kept trying to bail and my husband reminded me how many years I was lazy and if I let the rain stop me, what would I let stop me tomorrow. So I did it. It was actually nice after the muggy weather we've been having here.
    in W1D2 Comment by Wendy595 June 2012
  • I've always been taught frozen or fresh and that canned had to much sodium. Since I have to watch my sodium levels we steam or eat raw as many veggies as possible. That is one thing I've been doing is trying to eat out of the box less. Sometimes it stills happens. With two kids in little league, I have a hard time on game…
  • I'm on Week 3 Day 3 and I am thinking I will be redoing week 3. I don't get all discouraged if I can't do a week in the 3 days they have you do it. I feel it is more important to feel comfortable moving on. I started week 3 not being able to do the full 3 minutes. But I did it yesterday. Felt like falling over but I did…
  • I started week 3 yesterday. I thought my legs were going to give out on me. I am looking forward to trying w3.d2. But I am a bit scared but I also know week 3 has to be done to move on!!
  • My legs. I feel like my lungs can go so much further than my legs. Yesterday I felt like I could barely lift my legs to finish week 3. I start out rough with breathing and when I get it under control, my legs give out.
  • I hate drinking my cals and didn't realize how bad some of the drinks were til I started logging. Scary!!!
  • Thank you!! It is so easy to lose focus in this rat race we call life!!!
  • Absolutely. I'm aiming for a 5K at the end of August and I'm a beginner runner. I know I will finish close to the end if not last but I finally have the confidence and courage to go out and do it. And who knows if they can see my overweight body do it maybe it will encourage them to be brave enough to try!
  • I think I am going with the water today. I have been eating salad when I am hungry or I'd be doing that. I find when I am not at work, I don't drink as much water as I should so I def need to work on this! --Btw--I'm new :-)
  • Keep at it! Is there anyone who will run with you who will keep you moving? Not in a mean way but encouraging. My husband has been awesome. He decided to run the program with me and he keeps me going. I finished Week one last night and I so didn't want to finish Day 3. Day 1, I wanted to stop at minute 16. Yesterday was at…
  • Good luck! I just finished Week 1 this evening. Hoping week two goes as smoothly!
    in 1st day! Comment by Wendy595 May 2012
  • I switched from WW to using this. I like how I am more aware of what is in the foods I eat now compared to just knowing the point value. Plus I am limiting my carbs (doctors orders) so I like that I can keep track of that too! I've lost 7 pounds doing this so it is working for me. I just hope to stick with it!
  • I started week 1 Day 1 today too. Good luck and hope it works for you! You have an awesome attitude :-) I was outside today and ran early so that I wouldn't have to look at anyone.. But honestly after doing it, I don't think I care. If they don't like it, they can look in another direction!! I use the C25k Lite app. It…
    in Newbie :) Comment by Wendy595 May 2012
  • I just dropped my WW membership at the beginning of this month. I love MFP. IMO, the food is so much easier to track and I can keep track of so much more like my cholesterol and sodium intake. So far it is working much better. My mom is getting ready to try WW and I am trying to encourage her to use MFP instead!!