Weight Watchers vs MyFitnessPal



  • I totally agree!! WW is a waste of money. I want to call Jennifer Hudson and tell her to try MFP. She will be singing then!!!

    Jennifer Hudson looks fantastic - she does not need MFP - everyone should use whatever program works for them and do not go knocking anyone that uses something other than what you think works.
  • clariangel
    clariangel Posts: 156 Member
    I've done both, and I'm more succesful with my weight loss on MFP. Counting calories instead of points makes a big difference for me.
  • Just today I cancelled my membership with ww and joined MFP. I have been at WW off and on for YEARS! I have spent so much money and I have NEVER lost more then 10 pounds, NEVER! Two of my friends within the last few months have also stopped WW and are now doing MFP they are losers and I asked what they where doing and "MFP" was the answer. So today is I am on board!
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    I am an ex-WW member myself (did it for about 3 years), and was successful (lost over 80 lbs), as were a lot of people I know who did it. I only stopped because of cost. I'd come over here for nutrition facts on restaurants and other things, so when I stopped doing WW, I decided to stick with MFP. I am doing great on it, and probably won't go back to WW, because I have been much more successful on this one (I have lost almost 45 lbs since 1/1/12).

    In saying that, I say go with what works for you. For me, seeing the calories intake is motivating for me. Weight Watchers is a great program. You just have to be honest with yourself, and log everything you eat - honestly.

    You can't get me to say anything bad about WW. It was with that program that I started my real weight loss journey. But I LOVE me some MFP, too!!! :wink:
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    I looked into WW and decided that I could not afford the financial burden it would cast on me, especially when eating healthier food choices is so expensive to start. MFP offers so many options and with so many people to teach you and guide you with their own MFP experiences, this is the place for me!
  • Wendy595
    Wendy595 Posts: 28 Member
    I just dropped my WW membership at the beginning of this month. I love MFP. IMO, the food is so much easier to track and I can keep track of so much more like my cholesterol and sodium intake. So far it is working much better. My mom is getting ready to try WW and I am trying to encourage her to use MFP instead!!
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    Well said...I agree 100% and I've done both!

    I also totaly agree!!!!
  • jenniferpowell1980
    jenniferpowell1980 Posts: 68 Member
    I did WW for a while, i eventually left because the leader asked if i could make my then 6 month old be quiet! But found the point system wierd so ended up eating only ww branded products, some of which are really unhealthy, think they just make the portions really small to keep the calories low, but that dosent make it healthy. Think this system is much better, i make my own choices and dont have to worry about how much noise my children are making!
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    For me WW was a waste of money, my mom swears by it though. It's what works for her, and this is what works for me. Everyone is different and has their own opinion and way of doing things.
  • I am an ex-WW member myself (did it for about 3 years), and was successful (lost over 80 lbs), as were a lot of people I know who did it. I only stopped because of cost. I'd come over here for nutrition facts on restaurants and other things, so when I stopped doing WW, I decided to stick with MFP. I am doing great on it, and probably won't go back to WW, because I have been much more successful on this one (I have lost almost 45 lbs since 1/1/12).

    In saying that, I say go with what works for you. For me, seeing the calories intake is motivating for me. Weight Watchers is a great program. You just have to be honest with yourself, and log everything you eat - honestly.

    You can't get me to say anything bad about WW. It was with that program that I started my real weight loss journey. But I LOVE me some MFP, too!!! :wink:

    Agree - both are good programs - whatever you do be honest with yourself and you will see results.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    MFP = FREE (enough said)

    added plus - I need my MFP friends most every day, once a week is not enough for me.

    WW = $$$$

    No meeting at 10:00 pm...when would I go?

    This is for me, whatever works for you...go for it! Just Eat Healthy and MOVE!
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    I have a number of friends who have been very successful on WW and have lost weight ranging from 40-80 lbs. One friend is on MFP for maintenance. I would have joined except MFP is free. The weekly meetings' quality is dependent upon the local WW leadership and the mix of participants. The point system is a no brainer.
  • deejaycee114
    deejaycee114 Posts: 139 Member
    i tried WW for a $53 three-month trial a couple of years ago. didn't lose squat - and yes, i was mindful of what i ate - but tracking everything became a little burdensome....trying to remember everything i ate so that i could log it at the end of the day was too much for me. lol.

    then one night i came across the MFP app on my phone and based on all of the positive reviews, i decided to download it. seven weeks later and i'm down 15 lbs! i've told all of my friends, fb friends, coworkers about MFP. i'm their living proof it works! :tongue:
  • mcspruil
    mcspruil Posts: 4
    I also am an ex-WW dieter. I lost 12lbs and kept them off for a few years however it is so complicated! Tracking points, keeping books, and a points tracker around. MFP is great because all you need is your phone and I'm certainly not leaving home without mine!!! Good luck everyone!
  • sherry98008
    sherry98008 Posts: 11 Member
    I started WW Online last July, then joined the meetings in December. I'm down 16 pounds which is good. However, I find that the points are very tedious, and the database of foods is nowhere near as great as on MFP. I started tracking on MFP about 6 weeks ago, and I'm not even tracking the points anymore. I find that I like seeing the actual calories, carbs, protein, fat, etc. I and am also motivated to exercise more because you have the visual of being able to eat more calories. I have enjoyed the weekly meetings, but is it worth the money?

    I think it's time to cancel my WW membership, don't you think?
  • Long2bslim
    Long2bslim Posts: 34 Member
    Agree with most on here, I lost about 33lbs from January to November last year with WW but most of that was in the 1st 6 months, I got so sick of trying to work out points that I gave up... Havent been on here that long but so far I'm loving MFP not least because it is completely free but the interaction I'm finding is a real bonus...just didnt get that with WW and plus it's so much easier to count calories, as every single item of food you pick up these days has it already there for you...the google search I did at the start of march this year for "online diet tracker" was the best thing I've done because I'm so glad to have found MFP :happy:
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    I was WW for over a year and it was great. I ate whatever I wanted I just made sure I used my points for what I wanted. I lost over 25lbs with it. Now, with that I did the following.....went to my weekly meetings where we did receive support from other members and got to talk about and trade recipes and substitudes for things. I used the online part that was free since I was a paying memeber which was also helpful and I was walking about 3 miles every other day. I stopped going due to some life changes and was able to keep the weight off for a while but then job changes, divorce and a few other stressers made me give up on pretty much everything.

    The only reason I do not do WW now is because with my job and going to school at night I can not make any of the meetings and for me that is a key part of the WW experience. I think it is a good program and does work very well for some people, but with everything else it is a personal choice and may not be right for everyone. I like MFP but do not see the same support and progress I did with WW. Also, before starting on MFP I spoke with my Dr who informed me that she does not want me going under 1400 calories a day. Because of that I have had to modify MFP for myself.

    I agree, the meetings are essential. Plus, if you have a good leader, that is also key... My WW Leader was awesome and had lost over 100 lbs on WW.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I am an ex-WW member myself (did it for about 3 years), and was successful (lost over 80 lbs), as were a lot of people I know who did it. I only stopped because of cost. I'd come over here for nutrition facts on restaurants and other things, so when I stopped doing WW, I decided to stick with MFP. I am doing great on it, and probably won't go back to WW, because I have been much more successful on this one (I have lost almost 45 lbs since 1/1/12).

    In saying that, I say go with what works for you. For me, seeing the calories intake is motivating for me. Weight Watchers is a great program. You just have to be honest with yourself, and log everything you eat - honestly.

    You can't get me to say anything bad about WW. It was with that program that I started my real weight loss journey. But I LOVE me some MFP, too!!! :wink:

    Agree - both are good programs - whatever you do be honest with yourself and you will see results.

    ^^Thank you!

    Just because WW doesn't work for everyone, doesn't mean it's a "bad" program. I lost over 100 pounds with WW and would not have been successful if it wasn't for my awesome WW leader and the support and accountibilty of the meetings.

    WW is an awesome program that has been around for decades and is one of the most recommended by doctors. But like any weight loss program (including MFP) people only get out of it what they put into it. I know a lot of people that have been successful in meetings and people who have been succesful using the online portion.

    I find for me, I'm having an easier time maintaining my weight by counting calories here on MFP, but still use the meetings for support and accountibilty.

    I guess what I'm trying to say (yes, I'm long winded!) is you have to do what works for you! :flowerforyou:
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I successfully lost 43 lbs on WW. I did the face to face weekly meetings. I felt the meetings were informative and supportive. I still have an online account, but I do not feel like the WW boards are anywhere near as supportive and helpful, as here on MFP.

    I joined MFP for my maintenance and have kept the weight off for almost 4.5 years. I like the accessibility of MFP. At the time I reached lifetime, WW charged for the etools section, and I was too cheap to continue to pay.

    I believe both methods are as successful as you allow it to be. The end result , is only equal to the effort put in.
  • cattraxs
    cattraxs Posts: 47 Member
    ive been doing MFP and weight watchers at the same time and in that amount of time ive lost 32lbs just in about 3-4 months.

    Same here. I have been on WW since end of January and have lost 28 pounds to date. However, I am not using their online program so can't comment on that. For me it's all about the accountabiliy so I use MFP to track the calories then use that to track my points. FOR ME, WW is working . . .