C25K Challenge



  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    As soon as I am properly woken up, I am off to do week 2 day 2. Downloaded an app on my iPod to tell me when to walk and when to run so I don't have to focus on the time so much.
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    Completed week 1 day 2 this morning and I feel great! I am sure later my hips and ankles will be hurting later but right now it was worth it. I wasn't jogging as fast as I was on day 1 when I started but I was able to speed up as my intervals went along. Can't wait for day 3 I think Tues or Weds. I would like to get up to 4 or 5 days a week with repeating easier runs inbetween. I also use the app on my phone for the timing it is great.
  • hipslikecinders
    hipslikecinders Posts: 40 Member
    I started C2K yesterday (podcast version) - feel free to add me! Would be interested to see how others find it! x
  • Smccau3
    Smccau3 Posts: 20 Member
    Morkiemama, thank you for all those stretches. What a good resource you are!
  • Mundy86
    Mundy86 Posts: 167 Member
    Morkiemama Thanks for the stretches, there are some I did not consider. I am definitely listening to my body and so far I have been good. I am planning on reasurching proper running form, just have not had the chance. Last thing I want is to injure myself.

    Glad that even if I have taken the last 7 months off, it has not affected my endurance too bad. After first day of 30DS it was like I have not missed a day. Now C25K is different, its hard. Strange how the first day it was easy in the begining and then got hard for the last 2 cycles. Yet the next 2 days it was hard in the begining and then easier in the end. Never easy but easier.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • beans1225
    beans1225 Posts: 1
    week 1 day 1 today stay encouraged hunny
  • DanceAunt
    DanceAunt Posts: 3
    I completed day 1 week 1 yesterday. :)
  • Smccau3
    Smccau3 Posts: 20 Member
    Hope all your runs today went fabulously.

    Unfortunately, I have to put my running on hold. Have had a headache for over a month, and couldn't get out of bed today. Hoping they give me some good pills tomorrow at the doctors, so I can start on Wednesday!
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    just got back from W1D2 - shattered but worth it.
  • nix1975
    nix1975 Posts: 7 Member
    I started C25K on Saturday and run Tuesday, Thurs and Saturday. Feel free to add me too. xx
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    im on W4D2.... I feel its where the program starts to get tough ..... you feel great when you get done though ..Feel free to add me if you want
  • monjet13
    monjet13 Posts: 40 Member
    you can add me in. Just did Week 2 day 1 and if felt great !:smile:
  • jickalina
    jickalina Posts: 43 Member
    I'd love to join! I just finished week three but am probably going to repeat that week because I seriously don't think I'm ready for a 5 min stretch just yet.

    And I second the notion regarding having the proper tools. When I started week 1 I had a pair of old cheap workout shoes. Don't even know what "type" they were, aerobic? Cross trainers? By week 2 I had major shin splints so I took a week off on everyone's suggestions. When I picked back up again the shin splints returned by the end of the run! So my cheap *kitten* finally gave in an bought some good running shoes and OMG- it was as if the clouds parted and angels started singing! My endurance shot up and I was able to focus more on my form and breathing and my shin splints went away! Now as a former runophobe, I am really starting to see how people get addicted to running.
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member
    Completed week 1 day 1 today. Don't want to be over dramatic but think it was the worst 30 minutes of my life (including child birth).

    Ok, it was hard but looking forward to my next session on Wednesday :bigsmile:
  • Nickiii_123
    Nickiii_123 Posts: 134 Member
    This group is a great idea....can I join even if I'm a bit late and doing a different program (RunningMate 5K101)? :P I won't be running today but I plan to start tomorrow. I have started C25K a few times but never finished. The most recent time I had to stop due to complications from a colonoscopy. I'm doing better but I think I will have to still take it slow for a few weeks. I've had to put all exercise on hold for a few weeks and I really miss it! Here's to hoping this is the weeks I can start again. Good luck everyone!!
  • Nickiii_123
    Nickiii_123 Posts: 134 Member
    P.S. Thank you for the stretching ideas! I have had the importance of stretching drilled into my head since middle school but I'm still one of those people who forgets sometimes.
  • Smccau3
    Smccau3 Posts: 20 Member
    Just finished my official first day. Boy, that was much harder than my trial run!

    I almost didn't finish, but I pushed myself to the very end. I run outside, up and down my dead end street (because it's mostly flat), and could really feel it on the one little hill. I'm looking into getting good running shoes; I could feel it in my ankles today. Hopefully, this poor college student can afford it.
  • tauny78
    tauny78 Posts: 180 Member
    Just did my week 4 day 2 run....YAY! :))
  • Wendy595
    Wendy595 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm on Week 3 Day 3 and I am thinking I will be redoing week 3. I don't get all discouraged if I can't do a week in the 3 days they have you do it. I feel it is more important to feel comfortable moving on. I started week 3 not being able to do the full 3 minutes. But I did it yesterday. Felt like falling over but I did it. When I start slowing down and want to stop, I start focusing on the telephone poles. I just get myself to the next one and then say one more, and so on until I finish. It gives me something to focus on. My husband runs with me---he does run, I do not. But he stays with me on my 30 minutes. And encourages me when I want to stop. He just goes for his own run when I'm done.
    In between, I either do the 30 Day Shred or Pilates. Depending on how I feel.
  • londoneye
    londoneye Posts: 195 Member
    I'm on Week 3 Day 3 and I am thinking I will be redoing week 3. I don't get all discouraged if I can't do a week in the 3 days they have you do it. I feel it is more important to feel comfortable moving on. I started week 3 not being able to do the full 3 minutes. But I did it yesterday. Felt like falling over but I did it. When I start slowing down and want to stop, I start focusing on the telephone poles. I just get myself to the next one and then say one more, and so on until I finish. It gives me something to focus on. My husband runs with me---he does run, I do not. But he stays with me on my 30 minutes. And encourages me when I want to stop. He just goes for his own run when I'm done.
    In between, I either do the 30 Day Shred or Pilates. Depending on how I feel.

    Sending you a friend request. I'm doing W3 day 3 today!