Merrilies Member


  • I have cauliflower rice too, fab, isn't it
  • Gosh, there's so many things you can do...lemon and courgette risotto, mushroom stroganoff, aubergine and chickpea curry, mixed pepper omelette...
  • I make cauliflower rice too. It's a tenth of the calories of ordinary rice, and no fat. Tastes nicer too
  • You already know the answer to this really, you know what you should do. Ask them to plate you up a smaller portion, but if they won't, then throw it away! By eating it all - even when you are full - you are just putting extra calories in yourself that you don't need and that's not going to help you lose weight.
  • Hey Ben, very good luck to you in the future, sounds like you are doing well, hope it continues. I don't like being rude but I like your attitude. The next time I get a 'you need to eat more' I may pluck up the courage to say back, 'and you need to eat less'. I bet that will shut them up :)
  • Not comparing, and when did I ever say that overweight people have it much better? I didn't say that once in my post, so please don't berate me for something I didn't even say! I've been on both sides of it now - I've been fat and am now slim and still have people being rude, so was just trying to show that it's not just…
  • Thanks for the replies :) I have told these people - several times over - that I am fit and healthy and my doctor confirms it, but I still get the 'you need to eat more' or 'have a piece of cake' comments - grrrr! I'll just ignore it. They'll get used to the way I look eventually and hopefully stop.
  • I don't like any of my body - even though I'm now a very slim 105 pounds. I'm 49 years old, and things are starting to go south. I also have the sort of skin that has horrendous stretch marks, which I got after having my daughter, so I hate my stomach even though it's very flat, because it's full of awful stretch marks.…
  • Sorry, but I need to ask something as your post is a bit ambiguous - are you a small person who does art, or an ordinary sized person who paints small people? Can't use the M word you used, as in the UK it's not politically correct and is a derogatory term. I make greetings cards and am a quilling artist - they are my…
  • Oh, she's gone, what a shame!
  • Sent you a pm natVanessa with the story in, it relates to this post, but might be too yucky for some people to read.
  • I was wondering the same thing - I've had an awful virus recently - sickness and diarrhoea - so haven't been able to eat a single thing for 3 days - starvation mode. I think we just have to eat small portions initially and build back up to our daily allowance maybe.
  • Lol, wait and see if anyone else wants to, I don't want to upset anyone.
  • I was going to tell you a little story about when I worked in the funeral profession, but some of you may be squeamish or think it bad to speak ill of the dead - but, if you wanna hear it, let me know.
  • Ha ha that made me laugh out loud! It dissipates into your body - your body converts it into energy, which gets used up in your muscles and tissue etc.
  • I have the same lunch most days - a medium banana, plums and grapes. That way I know I'm getting most of my 'five a day'. But as the others have suggested, sandwiches are good, or, if you don't want to eat bread, some cold meat with cherry tomatoes, a slice of light cheese and some grapes is a nice meal. Don't forget to…
  • I did follow it with 'you'd have to be in the gym for about 6 hours', which was more or less right - well in Katy's case, a long hike carrying a 10lb load, which is still bad for anyone unused to exercise. But hey no worries, we are all on here to help each other out and that includes warning them about the dangers of too…
  • No of course a day out hiking isn't a bad thing - but strenuous exercise over several hours if you aren't very fit is, that's all I'm saying. I'm not telling anyone what to do - or not do in this case - just advising people to be careful. Some people who don't know much about exercising might think they can do several…
  • Yes everyone's exercise levels are different of course - mine will differ to an athlete for example, all I was saying is she'd have been exercising for a good 3+ hours to burn that and it really isn't good for your body - unless you are an athlete in training. Just because lots of your friends do it, doesn't make it right!…
  • Just looked at your diary - yesterday you apparently saved 2340 calories from exercising. I'm sorry, there's no way anyone could burn off that many calories in one day! A 30 minute run uses up about 300 calories, so you'd have had to be in the gym for about 6 hours to work all that off - I know all about this as I used to…
  • I don't think 'banking' calories is a good thing to do - just like banking your alcoholic drinks isn't either. It's far better to balance them out and eat your proper allowance everyday - if you eat too few, your body may go into starvation mode and your metabolism will slow down, reserving what you do eat and you won't…
  • If you think fruit is crappy food then there's no hope for you! You know it's not good to eat loads of chocolate etc, so don't do it! It comes down to willpower at the end of the day. You have two choices - eat the stuff and get fat or don't eat it - it's not rocket science. Sorry to be so blunt, but that's the facts. If…
  • I should have added that I've been dieting and training for 2 years now, so it's not a recent thing! I got down to 104 pounds, then put on another 4, which I want to lose again, but am finding it really hard to lose them. I stepped up the training from one 30 minute session to two but still didn't lose anything. It might…
  • Hello, I feel a bit fed up today too. I've been very strict with my diet all week and trained twice a day for 30 minutes each time - everyday - and not lost a single thing! BUT, we have days like that. So please don't give up - you are not alone, there are many other people going through the same thing. Just go out for the…
  • Hello, well done for getting to the point where you realise you want/have to take control of your weight! It will be hard work, and at times you will feel like giving up, but please stick with it. When you feel like giving up, think of us on here and know that you are not alone in your attempt to lose weight and get fit.…
  • Hello, We bought a treadmill for home and it was the best thing we ever did. I use it 6 days a week for 30 minutes a time. I can't understand how you only burned 220 calories in an hour - I do more than that in my 30 mins! When I first started, I could only walk and found it hard work, but now I can run for ages. Please…