Don't Be So Rude

In the last 2 years, I've lost over 3 stone in weight - 42 pounds to my American friends - and I'm now lucky enough to be at the perfect weight for my height and body frame. I've got this checked out by my doctor and he said I'm an ideal weight - not under or over.

However, so-called friends and even some of my family think it's okay to say to me ' you need to eat more'.

How bloody rude!

Would they say to someone who was overweight, 'you need to eat less', no they wouldn't, so why do they feel that they have to tell me to eat more? Is it jealousy or just concern because I'm smaller than I've been for a long time?

Why can't people just be happy for me that I've managed - and succeeded - to lose weight. I'm fitter now than I've been for years and have even been able to come of my blood pressure medication as my doc says I no longer need it so I'm medication free - the first time in over 15 years!

I wish people would think before they open their mouths.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Good for you!! This is wonderful. I can't explain people's behavior. They think they can comment in any way they want to under the guise of helping you. I'm sorry this is happening. If you can ignore them, all the better. You did what you needed to do and you're perfectly fine. Again, congratulations.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I think it's concern. People, especially family and friends, get so used to how someone looks that when there's a change, it rocks their world. They don't understand the changes you've made. You should take it as a compliment that you've managed to stay dedicated and make the changes you wanted. You are awesome! :flowerforyou:
  • catfyson
    catfyson Posts: 26 Member
    I think people respond in this way because they might perhaps be used to the size you were before - whenever people lose weight, family members and friends may sometimes put it down to something to be worried about because they are so used to you the way you were. If you are conscious enough to check with a doctor, and know that you are fine - then your family and friends must understand that it is your life to live and you are living it well and sensibly!
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member

    Would they say to someone who was overweight, 'you need to eat less'...

    Oh yes they would, too. They would indeed.
  • Corrie_Lynn
    Corrie_Lynn Posts: 53 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss! I really hate hearing things like this, honestly, I think it's jealousy. Unless you're starving yourself to lose weight (which you obviously aren't), then they have no right to say anything like that to you. Definitely rude! Other than the obvious visual proof, the fact that you no longer need your BP medication is obvious proof that you're perfectly healthy. Stick with it and ignore them, you're awesome!
  • Merrilies
    Merrilies Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks for the replies :)

    I have told these people - several times over - that I am fit and healthy and my doctor confirms it, but I still get the 'you need to eat more' or 'have a piece of cake' comments - grrrr!

    I'll just ignore it. They'll get used to the way I look eventually and hopefully stop.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Congrats on your loss. As for other people telling you how to manage your body, if they are not a licensed professional disregard their statements. You are eating healthy and your doctor says there does not see to be a problem. Maybe next time call that person out on it.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    Good for you! Clearly you know how to take care of yourself and eat at this point!
  • Corrie_Lynn
    Corrie_Lynn Posts: 53 Member

    Would they say to someone who was overweight, 'you need to eat less'...

    Oh yes they would, too. They would indeed.

    Very true! I had someone (a stranger) sarcastically tell me the other day when I was eating lunch at the park with my kids "maybe eat less and exercise more". I was mortified and very angry. People have no consideration.
  • calkbl
    calkbl Posts: 1
    There is that old saying that you TEACH people how to treat you.

    There comes a time in a person life when what other people think or say doesn't matter.

    It is what you think and say to yourself is what really matters.

  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    Thanks for the replies :)

    I have told these people - several times over - that I am fit and healthy and my doctor confirms it, but I still get the 'you need to eat more' or 'have a piece of cake' comments - grrrr!

    I'll just ignore it. They'll get used to the way I look eventually and hopefully stop.

    Maybe they will take a hint and help themselves by not eating the cake either! lol
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Congratulations! People are just rude and want to make others as miserable as they are. Keep up the great work!
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    families love with food, they're uneducated.
  • Eyesee
    Eyesee Posts: 111 Member
    However, so-called friends and even some of my family think it's okay to say to me ' you need to eat more'.

    How bloody rude!

    Would they say to someone who was overweight, 'you need to eat less', no they wouldn't, so why do they feel that they have to tell me to eat more? Is it jealousy or just concern because I'm smaller than I've been for a long time?

    Good point, that is rude, but people say "you need to eat less" all the time with their words and even actions. If you want to talk about how people's perception of your weight frustrates you, fine, but don't act like overweight people have it so much better. They're judged, mocked, excluded from opportunities and often unable to find, or have to pay more for nice clothes. It's great that you are at a healthy and attractive weight now, but why do you have to compare your struggle with what fat people go through?
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Unfortunately a lot of people have a warped sense of what a "healthy weight" is whether it's been because of media or just what they've been brought up with. So someone who's fine may be seen as dangerously thin or just too thin for their personal attractiveness and family and friends seem to always be the first to pipe up and squawk.

    My father's side of the family is like that. I often got many "You need to try this diet" comments from relatives I barely knew simply because I was family and we were Italian and therefore mouthy and opinionated. I'm sure if I ever see any of them when I'm done they'll turn around and try to shove ten lasagnas down my throat. Don't take it personally and if it bothers you just thank them for their concern but tell them that you never asked for their insight and you're happy where you are regardless.
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    congrats on your weight loss. you are an inspiration. I agree with the poster who said people are just rude. if your doctor confirms you are healthy then you just press forth. perhaps you are one of the people I need to help me learn how to be healthy
  • OddBookOut
    OddBookOut Posts: 25 Member
    I didn't even know that losing weight could help your blood pressure, but after having to take medication every day for so long it must be wonderful to not have that worry anymore.

    As for the rudeness, I had a great-grandmother that whenever I would visit would immediately tell me "You're so fat!" (I was 15 years old and 135lb at the time.) And my dad would always get told that he was too skinny. She also believed that both problems could be solved with cabbage, but I digress. People don't think before they speak. My sister, for example, is underweight and she is so tired if hearing how skinny she is. People make jokes because they think since she's not fat she won't be offended.

    I can't wait to be where you are. I'll probably be a little rude myself though. Anyone comments on my size and I WILL reciprocate.
  • Bonny272
    Bonny272 Posts: 154 Member
    Whatever you do don't listen to them. I was raised in an overweight family and at one point I started working on getting healthy. I was at an ideal weight for my height and everyone said I was too thin. I started gaining weight again and have regretted it ever since. I'll never make that mistake agian!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Yep rude. I got down to target (in fact below what my target is now) and i had one friend thatused to get right on my nerves "you look old", I look younger than you and Im nearly 10 years older..... feck off cowbag and get some of that lard off your *kitten* and unwrinkled jowls...... I wish Id said just that rather than ***** footing around
  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    Personally..I think people should just mind their own flippin business. If no one asks your opinion..keep your mouth shut.

    You worked hard to get the weight off..ignore them..and be proud in your new body:-)