deedeehawaii Member


  • Her nude photos are a commentary on a family that needs to have child protective services involved for both children.
  • P = Pee ("don't pee in the pool")
  • More ideas: 1) Canned or pouches of tuna in water 2) Canned chicken 3) Canned Veg-All ( vegetable cut up into bites) 4) Small bottles of Basaltic Vinegar and Olive Oil 5) Whole wheat bread 6) Peanut butter 7) Healthy jam 8) Single serve sizes containers of Soy Milk 9) Healthy crackers 10) Healthy cereals You can mix up the…
  • D = Doctor's [The Doctor's office visit for breaking bones on the skateboard, getting hit by a baseball, and burnt on the BBQ while at the cookout]
  • I avoid Imitrex, because it has some potentially serious side affects including, "Imitrex can cause rare but serious side effects on the heart, including heart attack or stroke." [Quote, see: ]. I use Midrin, but you need to be careful to not use any other products with Acetaminophen…
  • Foods are not a main trigger of migraines for me. Except if I have an alcohol drink when one is "maybe" going to come on, the drink will guarantee it comes on. One of my main triggers is a change in the weather (specifically, a change in barometric pressure). There is nothing I can do about those, except to pay close…
  • After posting recently a thead about always washing my fruits and vegetables (including fruit I will peel, like bananas and apples, so that I do not cross contaminate), I guess my habit would be called weird, because a whole bunch of people thought washing was unnecessary. Some probably wlll probably think that my washing…
  • Am I missing something? Some are ragging on the doctor, but wasn't it a staff person (not the doctor) who made the remark? Meanwhile, my family has been through some major medical situations. Because of doctors, my husband is now able to walk and work. And because of doctors, we have a case of cured cancer in our…
  • 1) Don't get discouraged, you are on the right track and stick with it. 2) When the comment was said, you could have asked "why do you say that"? Make someone who gives a questionable statement give the reason they said it ... the theory or science behind it. [Recently my son took a driver's road test. The test person said…
  • "A goal is a dream with a deadline." "The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill "Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." -Helen Keller "Success comes in all sizes. So whatever you attempt, regardless of the task…
  • Yeah, I knew someone who worked in a peanut storage warehouse, and after hearing about the sprays they used, it was years before I could look a peanut in the eye.:noway: Ditto for raisins, and how they are stored prior to processing.:sad:
  • Gee, if I could delete this post I would. Because now there are other threads running that have some negative spirited comments about skinny people [I see a real difference in some light humor vs calling someone a "skinny bit&h"], and I'd ditch this joke thead if I could. Although I think the jokes were relatively…
  • Yes, that is a common thought. But, watch the video. Then say aloud, "Cross Contamination is when we carry bacteria from one object to another object". Such as from the dirty outside of a fruit, onto your hands, onto the next food that you handle. Just because you are not eating the skin does not mean that it is not…
  • No, the soap can leave an undesirable residue. Just a good scrubbing under fresh water will usually do the trick. It is just a simple, fast, easy to do process that can reduce (if not eliminate) contaminants. This tread is interesting, there are so many beliefs about food safety. And the point about the number of cases of…
  • Hawaii also, besides lepto, has rat lung disease. Home grown veggies (especially lettuce) need to be throughly washed, so that tiny infected slugs (a host) are not ingested. From our Dept of Health: Do not eat raw or undercooked snails or slugs. If you handle snails or slugs, wear gloves and wash your hands. Do not eat raw…
  • Ah yes, lepto. Thus comes the warning from many parents in Hawaii to their kids, "don't put you head below water" when swimming in fresh water. Just for interest, since the subject came up: Leptospirosis occurs worldwide, but it is most commonly acquired in the tropics. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…
  • EXCERPTS from About.Com: Nutrition Do you know where your potatoes, oranges and tomatoes have been? Unless your fruits and vegetables are organic, they grew up in fields covered in pesticides and herbicides. Although the pesticide residues on fruits and…
  • That is nice that you've never been made sick from eating unwashed fruit. Personally, I read way to many articles about food contamination to not try to be as safe as possible, within reason. I cannot imagine not washing fruits before eating them. It would be the same as .... using the restroom and then not washing my…
  • Scenerio: The average person washes their hands before lunch. They sit down to eat lunch. Lunch includes a banana. They peel banana with hands, and eat banana. They then eat sandwich with hands. They then eat carrot sticks with hands. I surmise that the average person does not get up BETWEEN the banana and sandwich and…
  • Whew, I'd feel safe eating at your house. I wash oranges, too.
  • EEEEK, but my life is not going to include rat urine, if I can help it. EEEEEK
  • YES! I always wash mine. I also wash bananas. I'm going to post another thread about that!
  • W = Waterfalls (from the spring showers in Hawaii, and melting snow on the mainland)
  • Buckwheat pancakes from IHOP. (Now they have a Harvest Nut or something like that). As for junk food and candy, don't give up hope if you cannot find your choice. Check out:
  • R = Rain (April showers bring May flowers)
  • Thank you, you saved me the time in looking it up myself to post here. Hey everyone, by the way, speaking of, it is a great resource for checking about urban legands. Before you forward that email you just got with a wild story or supposed facts, check it out first at Snopes to see is it is just a fake…
  • Here ya' go, a Hawaii favorite. There is a low sodium variety, which is great for cooking. Aloha Shoyu is slightly sweet and not bitter. After using Aloha brand, you'll never be able to stand the harsh brands again.
  • I agree, that is just the best. Unfortunately, mayo is off my list. Dang.
  • Here is an interesting article, that should scare everyone away from putting fake butter on movie popcorn. Meanwhile, don't forget that air-popped popcorn remains a healthful low calorie snack. Make up a batch at home, and…
  • Or, let nature run its course and forgo taking pills.