Dam dr!



  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    Is it really that easy in the US? You don't like your doc, you get a new one? Here, finding a new doctor is an impossibility as there just aren't any doctors taking new patients. I can't imagine the luxury of actually being able to CHOOSE a doctor. I'd shop around until I found one I loved.

    Well, some insurance providers don't cover some doctors, so you're a little limited, but personally I found the perfect doc, then changed insurance and can still see him, no problem.

    I had been going to the same doc since I was around 14. About a year and a half ago (I was 23) the assembly line style of the office and the handling of the patients just put me over the edge and I left. My new doctor is awesome. He's the only doctor in his office instead of like 9, so he can be hard to reach, but it's so much more personal.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I hate doctors. I really do. You are just a meal ticket to them and not a person worthy of respect and consideration, they think you're scum because you didn't go to med school. And these are the people we're supposed to trust with our health care....I hate it.

    Ok..95% of doctors because I have met one (in my 39 years) that is not like that. But just the one.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Don't be discouraged! That 16 pounds of "water weight" came off because of your new healthier lifestyle! Whether the majority of it is water or not, it's gone, and you're 16 pounds lighter. It's all in how you look at it.

    :drinker: Another wise post by Brenda Lee:wink:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    My Back doc suggested I lose 10 lbs. I laughed thinking he was being sarcastic, he said, no I'm serious, 10 lbs. So that's what I do take it 10 lbs at a time. It's working quite well! I now have a goal instead of a larger number I rejoice at every 10 lbs and find it's far more do-able. He was able to suggest I concentrate on that (knowing full well, it would be noticeable and I would continue on, by motivation, lol I have great docs!!)
  • cindydufield
    cindydufield Posts: 50 Member
    yea i would look for a new doctor - i just went today i got GREAT JOB and Way to go
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    So if I gain 16 lbs and my doctor gets on my case should I just say "Oh, don't worry about it!" It is all water!

    Yeah, time for you to find a doctor with better interpersonal skills! Great job on the FAT loss!
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Sixteen pounds lost is great! Four pounds away from twenty, would they tell you twenty pounds is water?!

    Doctors base everything on BMI scales. I personally find a lot of those numbers unrealistic.

    You're doing great, don't get discouraged!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    So if I gain 16 lbs and my doctor gets on my case should I just say "Oh, don't worry about it!" It is all water!

    Yeah, time for you to find a doctor with better interpersonal skills! Great job on the FAT loss!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    People that say things like that just make me work even harder.........I refuse to let people make me feel bad....and you shouldn't either!.......Stick with it girl!!

    You know...when I saw the post it DID make me think of you, about the 'use the haters for motivators' what a great motivator!:glasses:

    You inspire me:flowerforyou:
  • Know what they call student that finishes at the bottom of the class? Dr.! May need to check his GPA! All of us know that what he said is simply not true. I thought water weighs 8 lbs per gallon. 2 gallons is a heck of a lot of water. You sure must feel a lot better not sloshing that stuff around! I too would like to know if the Dr is overweight (or underweight, sometimes they have a problem with other people's progress too). Anyway, way to go, and keep up the good work! Find a Dr who can be supportive, and ignore anyone who trys to put a DAMPER on your success, are my suggestions. You Rock! :flowerforyou:
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    :angry: I have yet to find a doctor worth his/her salt. Who has time to doctor shop? It's crazy out there! The good ones seem very far and few between. I can't even find a single friend who thinks thiers is worth a recommendation.
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    Doctors arent all good, and if my doctor told me I lost 18 pounds of water weight I would consider him a quack and find another doctor, unless you have some sort of heart condition that causes severe, severe edema and water retention, which doesnt seem the case or you would certainly be aware of such a condition.

    Just because someone goes to school to become a doctor doesnt mean he is a good one. Shop around and find a doctor that is a better fit for you.. thats my opinion anyway.

  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    So I went to the dr yesterday and my drs supervisor said that the 16lbs I lost was just water. And now Im depressed and I feel myself going back to the way I was. Its like he had a balloon and popped it right infront of my face. I think I look like I have in my face and people have noticed but him saying that just depressed me :(

    1) Don't get discouraged, you are on the right track and stick with it.

    2) When the comment was said, you could have asked "why do you say that"? Make someone who gives a questionable statement give the reason they said it ... the theory or science behind it. [Recently my son took a driver's road test. The test person said they were deducting points for him not setting his parking lights when he parked. When we QUESTIONED that remark, it turns out my son misunderstood, and it was setting the parking brake. My son simply misunderstood. Good thing we asked about it, because he'd have forever been putting on the headlights every time he parked the car. Ha]. Anyway, my point is to ASK QUESTIONS when needed, especially if what was said just does not make sense.

    3) You said the "supervisor" made the comment. Let the doctor know about it, so that he can better educate his co-workers about weight loss, and how to better explain health issues to patients. It sounds like your doctor might be a fine doctor, but the staff needs some improvement.

    4) Keep up the good work!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    :angry: I have yet to find a doctor worth his/her salt. Who has time to doctor shop? It's crazy out there! The good ones seem very far and few between. I can't even find a single friend who thinks thiers is worth a recommendation.

    OP, Get a new doctor.

    Reading this thread makes me understand more that we should all look after our own health.
    Yes SOME doctors can give good advice, but alot of people put 100% of their health into a Doctor, and believe everything they say. People should be getting 2nd or 3rd opinions.

    Finished at the bottom of the class :laugh: :laugh:
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    Doctors say that all the time. It's important to remember that first, doctors are humans and sometimes say stupid things just like the rest of us, and second, most general practitioners don't actually know a whole lot about the nitty gritty of weight loss. Don't be discouraged, 16 pounds would be a tremendous amount of water weight, and unless you had just had a pregnancy complicated with nasty things like gestational diabetes and/or hypertension, highly, highly unlikely.
  • I agree find a new doctor! I actually interviewed my current doctor before I started seeing him for the pure fact that I had unfortunately had the displeasure of going to doctors that cared more about money than their patients. A good doctor is sometimes hard to find, but they are out there.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Dr's suck!
    After I lost 30 lbs I went into see my Dr thinking I would get a high five and instead she said "well that is good, but you really need to lose another 40-45"

    :noway: :cry:

    Keep on going, that is not water, he is an *kitten*!

    OMG, I would have had to stand up, say "We're done here." and find a new doctor. And that's about as nice as I could have been. I mean seriously - at 30 pounds, presuming you need to lose more, the doctor should really say what an awesome job you're doing, talk to you about what your strategy has been and give you pointers and advice on how to keep going.

    What an *kitten*.

    The worst part is that I don't feel I could lose that much more. Why do they tell us to be so thin? I have big boobs and a booty and I don't want to be a size 1. I think the fact that my "healthy range" is 100-120 lbs is tragic. What kind of message does that send to our youth? If I was 100 lbs I would blow away. Lean and toned yes, gaunt no!

    I told the Dr my goal was 130. She said how about 120. I said how about 135. :devil: She smiled and changed the topic.
  • Your doctor sounds like a big ol' douche bag. Maybe he/she is jealous because they can't do as good as you. :) Don't let them discourage you.

    Find another Dr. That is not all water weight. Who can drink/eat 16 pounds of freaking water? They need to go back to med school if you ask me.
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    So I went to the dr yesterday and my drs supervisor said that the 16lbs I lost was just water.

    Am I missing something? Some are ragging on the doctor, but wasn't it a staff person (not the doctor) who made the remark?

    Meanwhile, my family has been through some major medical situations. Because of doctors, my husband is now able to walk and work. 1405.gif And because of doctors, we have a case of cured cancer in our household. 1405.gif And because of doctors, an emergency surgery for a major internal infection saved a life. 1405.gif And, because of doctors, a car accident was not fatal. 1405.gif I, for one, am absolutely thankful for doctors. 1405.gif Yes, we need to find ones we trust, but that is just another thing in life to be accountable for - researching and locating a good doctor. [The same accountability that is needed for seeing our own contribution to being overweight, and to losing those extra pounds.]

    I am thankful for doctors. bek161.gif
  • I love this!
  • Thank You Everyone! You guys have helped me get back on track! I will prove that *kitten* wrong. My dr is so nice and caring but her superviser is an *kitten*. See my dr is a 3rd yr resident and she has to report to him. If my dr said that I would of switched but I love the one that actual sees me. She told me I was doing great and to keep it up. I let that one comment get me down and I shouldnt have. Thank you everyone for all your support! :bigsmile:
  • buggaboo73
    buggaboo73 Posts: 169
    Methinks it's time for a new doctor! Butthead! :angry:
  • buggaboo73
    buggaboo73 Posts: 169
    And no it was not the Dr but it was a supervisor, it was someone in his / her office and they did not correct them, AND that is the atmosphere / attitude in the office. Time for a change. That's my opinion.
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    you know, water weight or not, 16 pounds is a GREAT loss. i personally don't think it was all water. but maybe next time you could ask him why he thinks it was all water and is it healthy for a body to be storing that much water!? i'm not an expert but that seems like a hell of a lot of water!!
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    16 pounds of water
    16 pounds of feathers
    16 pounds of fat
    16 pounds of potatos (sorry just a craving I am having...)
    16 pounds of WHATEVER....

    It is all 16 pounds. Pounds that you would not have lost if you had not made an effort and worked hard. Be proud of yourself! You're Dr. is an *kitten*.
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    Dr's suck!
    After I lost 30 lbs I went into see my Dr thinking I would get a high five and instead she said "well that is good, but you really need to lose another 40-45"

    :noway: :cry:

    Keep on going, that is not water, he is an *kitten*!

    OMG, I would have had to stand up, say "We're done here." and find a new doctor. And that's about as nice as I could have been. I mean seriously - at 30 pounds, presuming you need to lose more, the doctor should really say what an awesome job you're doing, talk to you about what your strategy has been and give you pointers and advice on how to keep going.

    What an *kitten*.

    The worst part is that I don't feel I could lose that much more. Why do they tell us to be so thin? I have big boobs and a booty and I don't want to be a size 1. I think the fact that my "healthy range" is 100-120 lbs is tragic. What kind of message does that send to our youth? If I was 100 lbs I would blow away. Lean and toned yes, gaunt no!

    I told the Dr my goal was 130. She said how about 120. I said how about 135. :devil: She smiled and changed the topic.

    Unless they do an actual body fat percentage check on you (not just height and weight) your goal weight could be completely off. If you're working out and lifting weights, your goal weight is gonna be higher than what they are looking for. One of my friends is "overweight" on the BMI scale if you just go by height and weight. But she does weights and is a marathon runner and I would LOVE to be in the kind of shape she's in. If you do an actual body fat check on her properly she's well within her healthy range.

    If my doctor named a weight too far away from where I think I can be without allowing my muscles to atrophy I'd have to request that they please do a real check of my body fat - take some measurements and stuff - before they go throwing numbers around.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    long time ago i went two different doctors, one for my right leg and for my sugar. the leg dr. told me " i was just too fat, that i should get a pack of cigarettes and start smoking. the other doctor said i was too fat and there is nothing wrong with me, but my blood work did show i was on the borderline of being a diabeteic, but the low kind. he told me just lose the weight. will i did lose the weight. but to me the were jerks and right down rude.
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