doreedawn Member


  • I recently got "Main Street Vegan" by Victoria Moran. I've found it really helpful and informative.
  • I make a breakfast out of fresh almond milk, chia, sprouted buckwheat groats, banana, and sweetener of choice/pinch of salt/cinnamon. If you put a tablespoon of chia into 3/4 cup-1 cup almond milk the night before it sort of turns into a pudding (they gel a bit like flax seeds). You can make it up quick in the morning,…
  • Currently, I stay mostly plant strong (which translates to eating mostly "vegan" foods and even raw a huge amount of the time). I've had some terrible go-arounds about calling my diet "mostly vegan" on some forums so I won't say it for now. I haven't really seen that here on MFP so "Yay!" for that. My reasons are ethical…
  • There is a book called "Practically Raw" that has great recipes for the beginning raw-foodist. The author even has alternative low-heat oven prep methods for those who haven't invested in a dehydrator yet. If you learn to love salads and you've started making green smoothies you've already taken care of 2 meals a day. As…
  • Hi! Feel free to add me :) I am mostly "plant strong" (occasional eggs and cheese and I know the wine I drink is not always strictly vegan). I am about 2/3 raw, especially in the warmer months, and try to stick to a whole foods, unprocessed diet. Recently I cut out all processed sugar and I can't believe how much better I…
  • I am following a mostly raw approach again now that the weather is warming up. I tend towards a mostly vegetarian diet (still include eggs and some cheese from the local co-op from time to time) but really thrive when I eat the raw vegan foods. My boyfriend can't have wheat and I need to stay clear of un-fermented soy…
  • My boyfriend was having the same problem and a suggestion we ran across was to take 2 TBL apple cider vinegar (the raw stuff with the "mother") before meals. It has helped him immensely. He uses Bragg's but there are other brands on the market... inexpensive too.
  • Hmmm... definitely cumin, cayenne, maybe a good chili powder blend. In one of my raw "cook"books, the suggestion is cumin, cilantro, marjoram, oregano and thyme with smaller possible additions of saffron, chili or bay leaf. Somewhat related... have you played with bloomed wild rice yet? I really like it when I use it to…
  • Please add me if you'd like :) I was a vegetarian half my life and am now transitioning back. I am currently including more raw and vegan dishes in my meal plans and really looking into things like "Thrive" (Brendan Brazier, the Vegan Athlete). When I was busy in college, and right after, I used a lot of veggie convenience…
  • HI! I try my best to lean more and more towards Raw/Vegan(ish)/"Nutritarian" eating. I still indulge in cheese now and then but otherwise feel much better with mostly plant-based and whole food recipes. I'm having a blast trying out new raw recipes lately! It is nice to know there are others on here who dig the taste of…
  • Hi! Welcome! I'm new too (logged on 35 days in a row now). Even though I'd been exercising for the last 8 months it wasn't until I started using MFP seriously and cleaned up my diet that I really started seeing results! It really helps to have to the motivation here:) ~Dorée