Raw Vegan Friends

Is anyone out there trying to follow a raw vegan approach? I am hoping to gain a few friends here that are following a similar diet to mine. Would be great to share recipes or meal ideas!

As a side note, I have done quite a lot of research within this approach. I am simply here looking for friends instead of having people tell me how terrible my diet choice is. Any diet or lifestyle approach can be a healthy one.


  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    No one?? I know this isn't a very common diet approach but I figured there would be some people here.
  • doreedawn
    doreedawn Posts: 11 Member
    I am following a mostly raw approach again now that the weather is warming up. I tend towards a mostly vegetarian diet (still include eggs and some cheese from the local co-op from time to time) but really thrive when I eat the raw vegan foods. My boyfriend can't have wheat and I need to stay clear of un-fermented soy products so raw vegan recipes suit our needs.

    What fun foods and recipes have you found? I have a ton of raw recipe books and have some real staples at this point. My favorite "find" so far has been a recipe for raw, fermented "sriracha" sauce. Also, http://www.addictedtoveggies.com/ blog has some great ideas and recipes.

    Add me if you like :)