

  • I am only 22 but I thought maybe my own experience might be helpful, sorry if this is not the response you are looking for. So far I have lost almost 70lbs and I have no loose skin. Actually I've been noticing it's tightening lately, all of a sudden I look a lot thinner. I lost that since last summer and I'd say it's taken…
  • Change your profile picture to something not of you then if you don't want the attention. A cat, a tree, a car, idk. Pretty easy resolution. Also your thinly veiled bragging thread got negative attention and you're surprised? Do you only interact with people who asspat you all the time or something? Go complain to your…
  • Yeah it's confusing. Sedentary though is literally just sitting on the couch and not really moving though right? I don't think cashier would fall in to that tbh. Too much moving around and lifting/standing.
  • The fact you won't open your diary speaks volumes. You don't even need to say anything else. You know you eat too much, you know EXACTLY what the problem is. What it actually comes down to is that you don't actually want help, you either want attention/validation or you want to find an excuse that you can use to justify…
  • I'm in dublin too! I'll add you for sureeeee
  • How much is 14g then? Less than a teaspoon?
  • I've found that it does work, I know many people who find the same. I actually feel better IF tbh. Either way try it out, only way to see for yourself. :)
  • >everyone in the thread says they don't experience ads and you are the only person experiencing this >"you are all lying or work for MFP" This has got to be a joke, right? Either way if we're not getting them and you are then something has gone wrong on your end, bud. Look up adblock? Idk what else to suggest.
  • Yeah, I don't see ads either? Do you have toolbars installed on your browser maybe?
  • I think it depends on how much you currently weigh. I think it reaches a certain point where you need to be in a certain weight range for people to really notice. I know it sounds weird but let me explain. About a year or so ago I lost weight like I'm doing right now. Like I was about 20 pounds less than I currently am.…
  • Haha that reminds me of people I used to know who were "dieting" and used to eat as much fruit as they wanted and not count it because "fruit doesn't count because fruit is good for you". Needless to say they all complained of not losing weight and stopped dieting after like a few weeks. As said above just count…
  • I'm lucky that my boyfriend is really health conscious too so we support each other a lot when it comes to health and fitness. My college friends are pretty obsessed with fitness so they're also very supportive and motivating. I've had a few people who say stuff like all you guys are saying too but I just learned to ignore…
  • funny thing is that this did happen. she kept a written journal and carried it with her... it lasted a total of a week though so I can't see it happening. i'd be delighted for her if it did but i think she's the type that sees discussing weight or dieting in general as taboo and prefers to ignore it. she's genuinely a good…
  • I have this one friend who is quite big. Last year I had lost a lot of weight and got very thin, she didn't like this very much. She used to try and get me to join her on "chocolate breaks" during class and when I'd decline or tell her I'd come with her to buy stuff but she'd be the only one eating, she would keep trying…
  • Hey there, 21 year old student from Ireland. Right now I'm focusing on weight loss. I've lost a lot of weight before (last year) and was very close to my goal weight but I went through some depression and piled a lot of it back on. I'm determined to lose it all again though, but weight loss is really easy so I know I can…
  • Right now I'm watching Attack on Titan and Watamote (It's not my fault I'm not popular). I usually wait until anime shows finish airing before watching them but I'm enjoying these both a lot (especially watamote since I've been reading the manga for the last year and a half).