Hello and congratulations on your weight loss thus far. I am working on losing some weight too. Where are you located please?
Hello Tia! I am in the Hickory,, NC area. I could use some encouragement and motivation too. I am also looking for a workout partner. Do you workout? If so what kinds of workouts do you do? I like to do cardio and I try to do weightlifting to but I could use a spotter for that. Maybe we could workout together sometime. If…
Hello How are you! Congradulations on making the progres that you hav made. Where are you located if you don't mind me asking. I'm in the Hickory, NC area. You can add me as a friend if you like. I have heard that it is great to have a great support system including friends and associates especially when you are getting…
Hello mstandley3 Mstandy3 I can empathize with you just wanting the weight off. I am feeling the same way but i know that I have a big battle ahead of me and I just hope that I can make it because it is not healthy for me to stay at the weight that i am currently. I am someone that has to take prednisone constantly and…