

  • I don't have kids, but I teach elementary so that's probably where I get it from! LOL! Oh, and "Snap"...another one of my favorite words :()
  • I was following a thread and totally got lost when they started talking about NET vs. GROSS calories. Went to the reports section on MFP for nutrition and it has a little graph showing net calories only I have no idea what that means? Since I'm stuck....I'm trying to figure out why....I literally am embarrassed that my…
  • Feel ya...trying to keep myself from running out to Wendy's right now! Sometimes and this is so sad, but true...I just go to bed early so I don't feel the urge to eat :)
  • I'm lost and my head hurts...anyone have the ADD abbreviated version? Gross/net...I have no idea.
  • I like this! That is so where I am at. Just stuck! Mentally and everything. Thanks for posting this...next pay check I'm taking all my pants in to get taken in!!! :)
  • Congrats on the baby! Hope we get to see a pic or 2. You look great! I'm hoping one day I'll actually be able to believe I can look that good! Best of luck!
  • That's so COOL! Not very many people would stick it out together. That says a lot about the two of ya! You both LOOK AMAZING! Kids have a way of turning hearts and y'alls are adorable! Super cool!
  • Absolutely will do. Must be scary, but will send good thoughts your way!
  • Snacks seemed to have helped me too! The 1st two weeks seem to be the worst, but then you kind of get used to it. I LOVE FOOD TOO!! One trick I picked up on is healthy replacement. I WANT PIZZA, mmm...not a good choice, but maybe some whole wheat pasta and spaghetti sauce instead. Find ways to get the taste you desire, but…
    in Motivation Comment by lenmana April 2009
  • DEFINITELY, talk to a doctor again...I know gallstones can lead to some EXTREMELY serious life threatening stuff, but not sure what the diff is between that and one that's inflamed. Had mine out a couple years ago and I heard all sorts of stuff, YOU'LL GAIN WEIGHT, YOU'LL never be able to eat spicy food again etc. Wasn't…
  • We use it in my strength class...I kind of like it because it can really challenge you and I think on some things its easier on your back. Sometimes we even kill 2 birds with one stone by doing chest flys/presses while holding ourselves up with our legs on our back. MULTI-TASKING!!! My favorite word!
  • My parents have a treadmill that they don't want anymore and I'd like to have!!! It would be perfect to put my dog on when the weather is bad, but I could use it too! One problem, the little thingy attached to the cord that makes it stop is gone. Is there a way to replace it so I can get it working again? You know the…
  • Allright! Who knew...that's one way to make the time fly! Its like that game ENCORE...which if you love singing is super fun. Hmmmm, who knew working out could get so creative.
  • Yeah!!! I'm so proud of myself. I did the yogurt thing and it wasn't too bad! I think I'll be able to not loathe it anymore and eat it once in a while...conquering cottage cheese and yogurt....NEXT STOP THE WORLD!!!! (insert evil laugh here) :)
  • Yep...I finally bought some of this greek yogurt I keep hearing everyone talk about. I'm braving it for breakfast tomorrow. I've always had a texture issue with yogurt, but since I've conquered cottage cheese, I'm hoping w/ some added granola to the yogurt it will be yummy to me. Anyone add anything else to their yogurt?
  • I'm gagging right now!!! My dogs are like me...we fluff flowers :) LOL!!! Good thing you read the label! Nice save.
  • MMMMM....I had my obligatory cadbury egg this week! My mom sent me 3, but I'm proud of myself I gave the other 2 away and ate only one. Thank goodness its only 1x a year, because...MMMMM...those things are GOOD!!!
  • Hmmm...hadn't thought about it, but fruit and an avocado sandwich sound YUMMY!!!
    in lunch? Comment by lenmana April 2009
  • I do LOVE"S my sodium...yeah probably should put the kibash on it anyhow before I'm like 70 and have to. LOL!!! laurie
  • Is it possible to be retaining water 2 weeks prior to a menstrual cycle? I always seem to weigh less the week AFTER my cycle. I guess this is why they say you should weigh only once! I weigh daily. Which for the most part works for me because then I see it ASAP and don't just let it creep up on me. Hmmm...just curious.
  • So sorry to hear...will do!
  • If you do some weight training that focuses in on that area you'll see a difference. I'm 32 and yep my girls have lost weight with me, BUT they are a little more perky since I've done strength training. I'm sure in time yours will be back!
  • WHOA!!! That is quite something! Congrats!
  • Hey I'm sure its all good! Plus, depending on how much weight you have to lose you can very possibly see that right away. Congrats and keep a goin' !!! :)
  • SWEET! Nothing like a little hard work and sweat to make you feel POWERFUL!
  • I've also read that green tea and black teas can help a little.
  • HAPPY B-day to you!! That's a great present for yourself and just think how great it is getting it under control while you are young. Hope you enjoy your b-day and the new bod!
  • Yep...it is pretty cool! Good luck with everything. 3lbs in a week is a great start!
  • So I'm thinking I need to start tackling letting go of even more carbs....what does everyone replace them with?
  • Here's your kick in the butt...NOW STOP THAT....now you can give me a swift kick in the butt because I could've done better tonight. So tomorrow, we are going to wake up and eat right because we are worth it! You've done awesome! One day at a time. That's your head talking trying to get you into that negative loop. Erase…
    in I suck Comment by lenmana March 2009