

  • FABULOSA!!! You go!
  • You could have gained weight for a million reasons! Water retention, building up muscle, who knows. The good things is your keeping your body healthy! I'm sure your trainer can help you get where you'd like to be.
  • Turn on the radio and dance like nobody's watching! :heart: :smile:
  • Yeah...I keep saying I'm going to buy one. I gave up when I stopped losing and hit my first road block. Now, I've gained back 10 lbs. Think I will go buy one today!
  • I'm so sorry! That has got to be rough in so many ways! Try running out some of that anger/stress at the gym! Hope things get better for ya and I'll keep you and your coworkers in my thoughts!
  • I have a hard time just sitting around drinking water, but I do if I'm eating something. So I have a big glass with every meal and then my snacks too! Makes it easier for me.
  • MONEY IN THE BANK...not just from buying the stuff, but saving you in doctors bills down the road! Keep up the hard work! Glad you are enjoying exercise too!
  • Sorry you are disappointed...BUT you can change it and turn it around! Don't give up! We are all rooting for you!
  • AMEN! Keep a goin'. Eventually you'll pull out of it!
  • I LOVE STEP TOO! It's a great way to build up endurance. I did the whole NO STEP/JUST BENCH Then up to BENCH/STEP. My next goal became keeping my arms moving the entire time. Next will be 2 steps... When I got bored with it I just started new classes or new goals on the gym equipment. Happy Stepping!
  • Always awesome to hear someone who has reached their goal!!! Ya' look great!
  • I know I still struggle with it, but it does get better. *Applaud yourself when you do make a good choice *Read some books/magazines on healthy living (train the brain) *Drink hot tea *Set mini-goals *Replace emotional eating with at least healthier alternatives at 1st and then work your way down to just not feeding into…
  • Good thoughts coming your way!
  • That is totally awesome! Congratulations! I'm a little more inspired now that I can become a runner! Ya' look great and I know you feel great!
  • I've been in the same boat for awhile too. Tonight I tried out an interval class and it challenged me...my old routines were getting boring. Hope you find what works for you! I can relate. Its easy to do once you get off, but YOU CAN GET BACK ON!
  • I eat a lot of soups and salads. I take fresh fruit, veggies, and string cheese for snacks. Also, sugar free jello works. You can make it yourself for cheaper than the snack packs. I cook on Sundays, freeze it and then just pull it out for lunch or dinner.
  • I'm so glad somebody brought this up again! I was planning on getting one to see if 1 reason I might be stuck was because I wasn't burning as many calories as I thought or maybe I was burning way more and not eating enough back! THANKS!
  • That's awful! Hope all is okay!
  • I like doing the sugar free pudding and layering it with light whip cream. A few chocolate chips on top and your doing pretty good still!
  • Thanks all! Feel really bad for the family and just hope that we all make it through the week without going crazy.
  • A student of mine died over the weekend and today was horrible! Tomorrow will be worse when the kids find out. I can feel myself already just wanting to stuff my face, who cares and cry. Everyone in the building is upset and I'm really worried about a couple of my other students who are going to take it pretty hard. Its…
  • Grrr...I feel ya! Same boat...20lbs left...seems like a big enough number that it would still come off easier. Right now, I'm just aiming to maintain. Headed out now to a different YMCA...gonna see if they have some new classes I can get excited about! Something fun! I'm driving myself crazy worrying about it all the time.…
  • I know isn't it awesome!!! 1st time on I was dying after 5 min! Its a great feeling when your time gets up there! Congrats on conquering the elipitical!!!
  • Well, I just learned alot!!! I had no idea they actually had people who measure your stride and stuff. Can't wait to tell my friend whose been having shin problems after she runs!
  • Okay, you know how you have those days...well at least I do.... where you look in the mirror and go UGGGH!!! Then the next day you feel like Wow! I'm looking good? Surely you know what I'm talking about! Today, I thought...hmmm...I haven't lost weight, but I think I'm losing tummy!! WOO HOO! So how do y'all know if your…
  • 37 lbs is 37lbs no matter what size you are! You've already done a lot to make your body healthier!
  • I've always done before too....
  • I WOULD LOVE IT IF TEXAS WOULD DO THIS!!!! It would be so helpful! Make you think twice. Oregon is always so progressive.
  • jdp21 YOU GO! That's marvelous! Lauramg...you are too sweet supporting everyone with good thoughts! You've done an awesome job too! GOOOOOO!!! MFP'ers!
  • Okay, so I went back and looked at the report after what you all wrote. According to the graph, I had 3 days this week that my NET CALORIES were under 1200. Basically, my drill is stay within 1220 calories....I exercise around 250 calories off...which I think "YEAH, that lets me eat around 1400 sometimes 1500 calories".…