I have no more WILL- POWER???

3 months ago I was here using this program & I had more then 2 people's will power....
& now I have NOTHING..... I feel like it didnt work fast enough for me, I did it all the messuring, the portions, the work out's.... Name it I did it, & Lost only 6 pounds in almost 2 months..
I got back to my old binging ways, & now I'm trying but without exersice
I want to be able to get back to my good food habits, & not binge.....
I'm surprisinlgy still the same weight, but Its either i need to exersice WAY WAY more then a regular person, or.... eat way less & drink more water..
I have stopped that too, I loved drinking all that water, my belly fat was all gone when i did...
I don't know what I need to get back into the game with will power but if someone has too much please pass it on here!!! :flowerforyou:


  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    Sounds like maybe you tried to do it all too fast? I finally figured out that until I changed my mindset of this being something I'm in for the long-haul instead of a race, I was going to keep falling flat on my face! I started making a few changes at a time. Give yourself a goal - like drink 6 glasses of water a day for a week - and then once you've achieved that, add something else onto it. You're more likely to stick with the lifestyle and never have to be at square one again if you take it nice and slow and make sure you're living a lifestyle that you can actually live with! That's been my experience so I hope you find something that works for you!
  • lenmana
    lenmana Posts: 171
    I've been in the same boat for awhile too. Tonight I tried out an interval class and it challenged me...my old routines were getting boring. Hope you find what works for you! I can relate. Its easy to do once you get off, but YOU CAN GET BACK ON!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    For me to lose weight its all about working out- I have to workout really really hard to lose weight- Just watching what I eat isn't enough for me. I get my metabolism kicking in the gym.
    Invest in a HRM so you know what your really burning when your working out.

    and 6lbs in 2 months isn't that bad- if you figure 1lb a week would put you at 8lbs in 2 months so you were actually right within the range
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    It is extremely difficult to change our way of living. And hopefully that is what you are hoping to do through diet and exercise. Our learned bad habits of eating the wrong foods and not exercise did not happen overnight and nor will our changing to better ways happen instantly. We need to retrain ourselves and that takes time. If you have a moment where you eat poorly forgive yourself and strive to do better the next time. Some days it is so easy to avoid the eating pitfalls the world throws at us and other days it is easy to slide back into our old ways. Instead of beating ourselves up for our mistakes try to figure out what caused us to slip-up and how to stay on course the next time. For most of us trying to change our lives through diet and exercise it is a never a smooth perfect road but by dodging most the potholes we learn, grow and improve ourselves. Hang in there. To quote RED GREEN "We are all in this together!":laugh:
  • JudyZ
    JudyZ Posts: 23
    I think it's all about a change in mindset. Exercise to feel better about yourself TODAY!!! Eat nutritious food to nourish yourself TODAY! Changing your lifestyle is a process. Make good friends with people who live the way you know you need to live in order to reach your goals!

    I dropped and added the same 20 pounds until I found the trick to make it a lifestyle. It's all about accountability. Find says to add more of that to your life, and I think you'll find that everything becomes easier!