shin splints and knee pain

I have been exercising for about 7 months, and in the process of moving and my husband coming home from Iraq I took a 4 or 5 week break...I started up about three weeks ago but Ive started to notice that my shins are sore and the tops of my knees hurt everytime I bend down or stand up (?) I have really high arches in my feet and I am wondering if anyone has run into this problem too. I watch my legs carefully while I workout..making sure not to go out too far. I was thinking it could possibly be my shoes..they are cheap and might not give the support I need...?
would a knee brace help? any advice?


  • NaiLo
    NaiLo Posts: 39
    I have been exercising for about 7 months, and in the process of moving and my husband coming home from Iraq I took a 4 or 5 week break...I started up about three weeks ago but Ive started to notice that my shins are sore and the tops of my knees hurt everytime I bend down or stand up (?) I have really high arches in my feet and I am wondering if anyone has run into this problem too. I watch my legs carefully while I workout..making sure not to go out too far. I was thinking it could possibly be my shoes..they are cheap and might not give the support I need...?
    would a knee brace help? any advice?
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    I don't know what to tell you as I have similar problems too, but I noticed you quit smoking 16 days ago and wanted to say congratulations!!
  • NaiLo
    NaiLo Posts: 39
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I had a problem with my shins until I went to a place that analyzed my stride and got shoes that worked with my feet. I also found that having tight calf and hamstring muscels can cause a lot of problems. I found that doing Yoga 5-6 days a week have made knee problems and shin splints go away.

    Hope it helps.
  • ischmelle
    ischmelle Posts: 203 Member
    Shoes, shoes, shoes...from a proper running store that analyzes your run. It has made a WORLD of difference for me. They are well worth the investment. Good luck!
  • time2write
    Try some better shoes. Shoes with a poor fit or insufficient cushion can cause knee, shin and/or foot pain.
  • NaiLo
    NaiLo Posts: 39
    THANKYO!! :) im going to go buy some new shoes tonight!! I hope it helps :)
  • lenmana
    lenmana Posts: 171
    Well, I just learned alot!!! I had no idea they actually had people who measure your stride and stuff. Can't wait to tell my friend whose been having shin problems after she runs!