

  • I count it using the category in the exercise module. If I'm out for 30 minutes, I only record 20 min. of walking to account for all of the stops to sniff, etc. I figure that's fair!
  • I love Multi-Grain Cheerios with blackberries. You're right though, cereal can pack in a lot of calories. You really have to watch the portion sizes. I recently switched to eggs and an English Muffin and it's almost 200 calories less than I was getting with cereal.
  • I'm training for a marathon too...I hope to run a half marathon in June and then the full in NYC. I can't wake up in the morning- I've tried and I know people swear by it...but I can't do it. The only way I've been able to stick with it is that I put my kids to bed at 8:30 pm and run on my treadmill immediately after. I…
  • I ran a 1/2 marathon and am training for another now. I like running on a treadmill vs. outdoors too. It's the only time I get to watch tv! I spoke to a running coach who told me that I should do at least 80% of my running outdoors if I want to be prepared for a road race. So, I shoot for that. It is harder on your body…
  • I've been trying to log my exercise daily and I notice there's no way to say if you're running outside vs. on the treadmill. I've heard running outside burns a lot more more calories. Does anyone know roughly how many more calories you burn running outside (with a few hills) vs. on the treadmill? I know I can easily run 50…
  • I'm wondering if anyone has tried Alli weight loss capsules and, if so, how it worked for you. Thanks!
  • I'm new to this as well. I've been trying to lose the same 10 lbs for 2 years. I exercise like crazy but portion control is my downfall. I hope this site helps!
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