AMTaylor1980 Member


  • Hunger is your body's way of begging for food to avoid eating it's own reserves, not a sign it's actually doing it.
  • Age: 34 HW: 221 SW: 216 CW: 206.4 GW: 150
  • I miss being some place where almost everything is accessible by foot or bike! Every time I go see family in Taipei or Singapore I eat like crazy and don't gain an ounce from all the walking. Plus the beautiful weather on a tropical island! I could totally do without four seasons and just be warm all year.
  • I consulted a person who practices herbal medicine when my foster dog had to have a bone graft for a bone sequester. (The bone along an old break died and wouldn't heal, so it had to be scraped out and packed with the donor bone from her hip to reconnect.) I gave her boron supplements, comfrey, and a liquid EFA supplement…
  • I hated vegetables as a kid. Now I make myself try something I used to not like periodically, especially if I see it prepared in a way that seems interesting. I now love a lot of vegetables I despised - sweet potatoes, collards & other greens, celery, etc. I still have issues with bitter foods like chard, endive, etc. (But…
  • Used to be beef until I found a farmer nearby and my BF bought half a cow. Now it's seafood. Across the board - shrimp, scallops, fish - they are 25-50% this year than I remember last year!
  • I started keto 10 days ago after my doctor told me I needed to lose 5-15 lbs to get my BP (140s/90s) and cholesterol (291 and not favorable ratios) down or seriously think about meds. He wanted to write me a script that day for the BP but I refused. He recommended a low carb diet, so why not go all the way? Plus I honestly…
  • I just started about 10 days ago. Going with the standard 5% Carb, 65% Fat, and 30% protein macros.
  • I concur with you for the most part. The one exception to this is perhaps someone who is a work in progress. When I was in college there was a female trainer at the gym who was EASILY 250 lbs. However, she was previously 400 lbs the year or so before and had a bulletin board in her office with her progress and her clients.…
  • I did it last year and lost 45 lbs. I've managed to keep most of it off and it helped me change my lifestyle (i.e. eating healthy foods & working out). I used the prescription HCG, which isn't the target of the FDA ban people keep talking about. (Although some states have banned its off-label use for weight lose.) I didn't…
  • THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS POST! Today has been one of those days where I just want to scream, quit, and devour a bacon cheeseburger. Yesterday marked 3 weeks working out (4 weeks since I started, but two days in got sent out of town for business). I've actually gone up in weight 10 lbs exactly, but total inches haven't…
  • I also use the Champion underwire bra and it keeps my 38DDs from moving. Before I found that I've worn two sports bras, one sports bra under Ace bandages, and just a smaller size for lower impact exercising.