Nothing is changing….but something is changing

Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
The scale and the measuring tape are great tools. We see the numbers going up or down and we know if we are doing ok or not. Sometimes those tools show no changes. It does not mean that changes are not happening, it just mean that those tools are not equipped to measures the changes that are happening.

Since a picture is worth a 1000 word, let just look at the next 3 pictures

Day 30 of strength training

Day 60 of strength training


Day 90 of strength training


Between those 3 pictures, not only I didn’t lose weight…..I also lost no inch. Without those pictures, I would probably have freaked out.

After 6 months of strength training. Weight loss: 4 pounds. Inch lost: 0.5”


The stats are not impressive I have to say. It was also not extraordinarily fast but it happened because I trusted the process.


  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    You are beautiful and amazing!
  • AMTaylor1980
    AMTaylor1980 Posts: 12 Member

    Today has been one of those days where I just want to scream, quit, and devour a bacon cheeseburger.

    Yesterday marked 3 weeks working out (4 weeks since I started, but two days in got sent out of town for business). I've actually gone up in weight 10 lbs exactly, but total inches haven't changed. (Seems .5 has migrated from each arm to hips (which for me is a +) and belly (not a + for anyone, I think).

    I keep telling myself I *FEEL* better - moved 3 rooms of furniture this past weekend without being winded once and only having to rest a couple times while carrying the really heavy stuff. Usually I'm a whiny, achey mess when moving stuff. But I don't see the numbers working in my favor and it was really, really messing with my motivation.

    So next Monday I'm going to do my 30 day picture and then take stock.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    ...thanks..needed that....i do feel some changes..bought some sweats about a month ago..were a bit snug..and now..not changes are happening. i think we sometimes rely too much on the scale..if we just paid attention to how much better our clothes fit..probably would be a lot less stressful..but then again..we are all human..and love bashing our heads against brick walls.. *sigh*
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Your abs are the best advert for MFP! I'm so excited to have more time for strength training now.
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    Just fabulous! I needed to see that today.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Awesome! I've been feeling the same scale has been moving, but my inches have not. Yet I "feel" smaller and clothes are fitting better. Just seems so odd that the inches aren't moving.
  • SueSlick
    SueSlick Posts: 268 Member
    I agree...the scale is not always your friend. I have been doing random workouts (Kathy Smith, Jillian Michaels, Tamie Lee Web) for several months and not feeling like I was getting anywhere. I started doing the Insanity workout 3 about weeks ago, and I have no weight loss to speak of, but my clothes are definitely fitting better. I like feeling the flabby bits starting to firm up!.

    Thanks for sharing your pictures!