Ketogenic Diet

need friends who follow this diet for advice. I'm having a hard time reaching state of ketosis :(


  • ebphone99
    Just wondering, what is a Ketogenic diet? It sounds interesting :)
  • AMTaylor1980
    AMTaylor1980 Posts: 12 Member
    I just started about 10 days ago. Going with the standard 5% Carb, 65% Fat, and 30% protein macros.
  • jro7755
    This is my third week into this diet and haven't seen drastic changes yet. My husband is following this diet and he is already in "state of ketosis" loosing 10lbs in three weeks. I've lost 3
  • jro7755
    This is my understanding on Ketogenic Diet: Training your body to utilize fat and then turning it into energy. You accomplish this by reducing your carbohydrate intake to a very minimum. Protein intake must be no monitored as well since eating more than what your body requires can turn into sugar.
    I am still learning about this diet, but I really really like it.
  • soechsner09
    soechsner09 Posts: 119 Member
    There is a wonderful Keto group here on MFP. I suggest you post questions there. I've met some great people who have been very helpful :)
  • ThisMikeD
    There is a wonderful Keto group here on MFP. I suggest you post questions there. I've met some great people who have been very helpful :)

    What is the groups name? I'd like to check them out.
  • edival
    edival Posts: 23 Member
    Keto is basically, very low carb (I suggest keeping it below 20g/day to start), adequate protein, and high fat. Lots and lots of fat. I find my bulletproof coffee (8oz coffee with 1tbsp pure butter & 1tbsp coconut oil) every day really helps keep the fats up. I have 3 a day.
    You'll want to use a keto calculator to find out your macros for best results.
  • allendstephenson
    I started the Ketogenic diet 2 weeks ago for weight loss, diabetes and seizure control. I immeadiately went into ketosis and have lost 20 lbs in those two weeks. As stated above, the ideal proportion is 5% carbs, 30% protein and 65% fats. Base the whole formula on your ideal protein intake. Too much protein and your body turns it into a glucogen, too little and you body starts taking from your muscle mass.

    The other thing to watch is your micronutrients - your vitamins and minerals. Keto does not usually supply enough of these so a quality multivitamin is essential. You could easily shoot yourself; you lose the weight but make yourself sick from vitamin deficiency.

    I am on on a fixed income so getting enough quality proteins is my problem. Fresh meat and fish is expensive an processed meats are full of nasty things including carbs. Canned fish and shellfish are good second fiddle meats as the are usually high in your omega 3 fatty acids, a fat that will also make you healthier. Krill Oil is a great supplement.

    The final thing to consider is the foods you will have to cut. Carbs hide in inoculous places. 1 glass of whole milk can give yo your daily max of carbs an you might as well kiss fruits and grains goodbye. Starchy vegetables like potatoes and sweet potatoes as well. I find my self limited to green leafy vegetables, which thankfully includes artichokes and asparagus and brassicas. Steamed brusell sprouts are your best general purpose vegetable. Most root vegetable are out as well as they tend to be either starchy or sugar loaded if not both; however the greens are great. I love beet greens.

    Dry roasted nuts are great in moderation but watch out for ones processed with corn syrup or sugar. Sugar free nut butters are good, but finding something to put them on is tricky. I use celery sticks.

    So as you can see, Keto is a great weight loss diet but a hard one to carry on over a long haul. So many foods are verboten that most people give up. And it's not a diet that you can have a free day. A single apple can knock you out of ketosis and it could take a week to get the fat engine running again.

    So this really is a diet of commitment. But for rapid weight loss especially when teamed with exercise, there is none better in my opinion .