healthynursein2015 Member


  • I'm pissed i lost 66# made it to my goal weight . and now i have put it all back on and i have to start all over again . i am pissed i cant eat what i want to that i have to watch every calorie and plan every meal and stay within a cetain caorlie amount to lose weight and then to matintain weight , im pissed that it takes…
  • well it has been 4 days since i posted a question to you justin , just wondering what your defination of timely maner is? sorry, i know that sounds rude but i dont mean it to sound that way. just asking a question? And i have asked so many questions in the past of trainers to just be inored . ru there ?
  • hi justin , i have a question . i am 52 y female , i went on weight watchers lost 66# made to goal and lifetime with exercise everyday. this was 4 years ago, i was using the drug doctor rx phentermine to help with the weight lost. well now 4 years later weight is back on, what happen ? stopped the exercise stoped the med…
  • i have polar FT7, i am on a weight magment program through my work ( iam a nurse and work for a hosp) this is the unit they give their clinets, i realy like it, easy to use, easy to read, it helps to motivate you when you are exercising to get that heart rate up .This one is well worth the money .
  • hows your eating? make sure you are eating enough calories., also in the begining with weight training you might gain just a few pounds , but dont let that stop you it will level out when your body adjust and you start building muscle. muscle burns more calories. so keep it up. sounds like you are doing great. But do make…
  • And we wonder why there is a problem with bullying in our schools , when even the adults cant hold their crude rude comments. Rember he was drunk! So sorry this happened to you dont give him the power on rembering what he said and letting it destroy you. You did the right thing cried felt the hurt then the next morning did…
  • i say take your own picture or have your husband take your picture . the way you want it to look (exp clothes you feel great in ) and post your own picture on face book, when i lost all my weight before (66#) in my eyes i looked different in the mirror than i did in a picture , a good picture can help encourage you .…
  • hi i have gained and lost weight since high school also, lost 66 pounds 4 years to slowly gain it all back now iam back to square one ,but we can do this. you went through a hurricane and started over again thats HUGE i honor your courage for that, so sorry that happened to you . I am also looking for support in this…
  • great job you look amazing , now keep it that way for the long haul //
  • i want to join this challange also
  • you look great well done
  • my daughter was married to a man like this , and she endured many a hateful coments and gestures , she left him (divorced him) they have a daughter together , i am so proud of her for leaving him she is so much happier now and remarried to a wonderful man who treats her and my dradaughter like princesses, dont stay with…