hironsd Member


  • Did you end up walking today? It looks like there may be storms tomorrow. I was thinking about joining you, but Sunday is my one day of the week I get to sleep in, so I don't want to commit - just depends on whether my body decides to wake up earlier than I would like it to (which happens more often than I care to admit).
  • Not at all sure about St. Cloud, but the Twin Cities has Vertical Endeavors: http://verticalendeavors.com/ And REI has indoor and outdoor rock climbing classes (some specifically for women, some co-ed): http://www.rei.com/outdoorschool/climbing-classes.html
  • I am a little late to the party, but I would be very interested in getting together for walks/hikes/gym/etc! I live in South Minneapolis and also have a membership at LA Fitness (generally frequent the Richfield location). Count me in!
  • I shop at Start Line in Minnetonka. It is a small, local business. They do store runs (usually catered, usually with vendors present so you can try some goods). Their staff is great, very knowledgeable and are willing to spend the time with you to make sure you get the shoes that are best for you. Wherever you end up, good…
  • I personally love quinoa! It has a coating of saponin which, if not rinsed, will give it a somewhat bitter flavor - which may be a reason some people don't like it. So, just put it in a fine mesh sieve and run it under cool water for a couple of minutes, and then cook it! I like to make "salads" - Mediterranean with lots…
  • Amazing!! Well done! This totally makes me wish I would have kept track of my mileage.
  • I quite enjoy the Field Roast Celebration Roast.
  • If you are at all interested in making your own, there is a new cookbook that just recently came out called Baked Doughnuts for Everyone - all the recipes are Gluten Free!! http://www.amazon.com/Baked-Doughnuts-For-Everyone-Gluten-Free/dp/1592335667
  • Not all of the Luna bars are whey free. The Clif website (which also makes Luna bars) has a handy filter to help you choose: http://www.clifbar.com/food/find_compare/
  • And if you are interested in a protein powder, I prefer the Sunwarrior products.
  • Look for vegan protein bars: The Clif Builder Bars are whey free (the full size bars are vegan, some of the snack size bars are not, so double check those before you buy). Some of the KIND Bars will work, as will some of the Odwalla Bars and many of the NuGo (NuGo organic, NuGo Slim, and NuGo Dark). I usually buy the Clif…
  • I am planning to be there too! Looking forward to meeting everyone. :)
  • Have you tried Dry Soda? http://www.drysoda.com/
  • I would be interested as well! I am curious to know where I am at.