Allergic to whey protein! help

Through painful trial and error I have come to the conclusion I cannot digest whey protein. So I was wondering what the best tasting, least junked up soy protein bars there are out there. I am not using them as my primary protein source, I just like a lower calorie post workout snack. I tried Quest bars and loved them, but they are the reason I figured out I couldn't digest whey. :(


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    How about real food instead of bars or powders? If it is a whey allergy, then obviously the protein powerhouse of Greek yogurt is a no-go but there are loads of other options:

    Meat in any form
    Eggs in any form

    I make a mean quinoa/edamame salad with a soy/ginger dressing that is awesome at room temp and packs the protein. It tastes way better than a soy protein bar. You may want to Google “vegan high protein snacks” or something like that, as that will avoid dairy and give you some good ideas.
  • I knew the "what about real food" question would be the first one. Like I said, I'm not using it as a main protein source, but I need something portable and easy that I can put in my purse so when I'm out and about and get super hungry I'm not tempted to "drive through". I already have mini 100 cal packs of almonds in there but I need more variety.
  • You can make your own at home so you're completely in charge of all the ingredients that go in!

    Here's a link to a site I've found just now. There are links to the recipes closer to the end. "Dairy-free protein bars", "Homemade protein bars", "No Bake protein bars", and "Chocolate energy bars".
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    If you can bake, you can use pea protein powder instead of some flour and soy protein as an additive to make home-baked protein muffins and brownies.
  • hironsd
    hironsd Posts: 14 Member
    Look for vegan protein bars: The Clif Builder Bars are whey free (the full size bars are vegan, some of the snack size bars are not, so double check those before you buy). Some of the KIND Bars will work, as will some of the Odwalla Bars and many of the NuGo (NuGo organic, NuGo Slim, and NuGo Dark).

    I usually buy the Clif Builder Bars, primarily because they have 20G of protein, but they are a little higher in carbs. My favorite are the Chocolate Peanut Butter and the Chocolate Mint.
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    Luna bars are really tasty (I especially like the chocolate coconut one, yum) but they're not the least-processed option out there. But they're dairy-free, tasty, and available at just about every grocery and drugstore.

    If you do shakes, Optimum Nutrition 100% Soy tastes good, gives a lot of protein, and is made with non-GMO soy. I've found the best price is at -- message me if you want a coupon code for an extra $10 off.
  • hironsd
    hironsd Posts: 14 Member
    And if you are interested in a protein powder, I prefer the Sunwarrior products.
  • hironsd
    hironsd Posts: 14 Member
    Luna bars are really tasty (I especially like the chocolate coconut one, yum) but they're not the least-processed option out there. But they're dairy-free, tasty, and available at just about every grocery and drugstore.

    Not all of the Luna bars are whey free.
    The Clif website (which also makes Luna bars) has a handy filter to help you choose:
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    How about real food instead of bars or powders? If it is a whey allergy, then obviously the protein powerhouse of Greek yogurt is a no-go but there are loads of other options:

    Meat in any form
    Eggs in any form

    I make a mean quinoa/edamame salad with a soy/ginger dressing that is awesome at room temp and packs the protein. It tastes way better than a soy protein bar. You may want to Google “vegan high protein snacks” or something like that, as that will avoid dairy and give you some good ideas.

    Um.... so where`s this recipe you speak of? Please post, sounds yummy.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    How about real food instead of bars or powders? If it is a whey allergy, then obviously the protein powerhouse of Greek yogurt is a no-go but there are loads of other options:

    Meat in any form
    Eggs in any form

    I make a mean quinoa/edamame salad with a soy/ginger dressing that is awesome at room temp and packs the protein. It tastes way better than a soy protein bar. You may want to Google “vegan high protein snacks” or something like that, as that will avoid dairy and give you some good ideas.

    Um.... so where`s this recipe you speak of? Please post, sounds yummy.

    It is delicious! I based it off of the recipe I link to below. Instead of wild rice I use quinoa and I use extra edamame for protein. It is one of my favs:
    I knew the "what about real food" question would be the first one. Like I said, I'm not using it as a main protein source, but I need something portable and easy that I can put in my purse so when I'm out and about and get super hungry I'm not tempted to "drive through". I already have mini 100 cal packs of almonds in there but I need more variety.

    I wasn't mentioning "real food" to be snarky but did it because you ONLY mentioned packaged foods. You left out an important piece of information- that you wanted this high protein/non-dairy snack to be portable and easy to throw in a purse.
  • Oh I know! I didn't think you were being snarky at all :) my bad! It was early and I was typing the topic on my phone.... Seems like we never think our posts out all the way until later :)
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    How about real food instead of bars or powders? If it is a whey allergy, then obviously the protein powerhouse of Greek yogurt is a no-go but there are loads of other options:

    Meat in any form
    Eggs in any form

    I make a mean quinoa/edamame salad with a soy/ginger dressing that is awesome at room temp and packs the protein. It tastes way better than a soy protein bar. You may want to Google “vegan high protein snacks” or something like that, as that will avoid dairy and give you some good ideas.

    Um.... so where`s this recipe you speak of? Please post, sounds yummy.

    It is delicious! I based it off of the recipe I link to below. Instead of wild rice I use quinoa and I use extra edamame for protein. It is one of my favs:
    Thanks, will try it this weekend, may even add in some cucumber and whatever else inspires me!