

  • More water? I'm already in the bathroom every hour... I don't know how to open the food diary...I thought it was open. I think it's friends only....
  • I am 5'6 186#. I gained 12 pounds after starting the Kettlebells...I'm very proud of that :smile: I just want to make sure that it's muscle I'm gaining and not more fat. FitnessPal says 1200, I don't buy that so I consume about 1400/day. On Kettlebell days I'm closer to 1500-1600 because of it's intensity...
  • I would say...high fructose corn syrup, artificial coloring, artificial flavoring, hydrogenated oils and anything else that is synthesized in a lab instead of nature.
  • When I'm getting back on track after a few days off, I will always increase my water intake by 16-20oz. and decrease my starch intake by about 1/3 of normal for a period of 3 days. It helps bring my awareness back into focus while flushing out any extra water I might be holding on to. It's not really to punish myself, it's…
  • I don't often post on these message boards, but I can relate to your struggle so I'll chime in a bit. First, don't blame the meds, while they may be a part of the problem, they are never the whole story. I'm not going to say that you must be lying if you're gaining as some others on the thread of so charmingly stated. I'm…
  • I definitely never lie. I always write everything down and I don't fudge the diary. I learned how big of a mistake that is when I went through weight watchers in the past. I promise one diary will always be accurate.
  • I like this idea! I'm always over my protein and generally speaking not TOO far over my carbs. But I'm a carb junkie. That's the hardest part for me.
  • I didn't know I could do that! Accountability is what I need :smile:
  • I really like the match-up. It should be a good game.
  • I don't work the night shift, but my job takes me on the road a lot. It's hard to eat healthy when your options in small towns are disgusting McDonald's or poisonous Subway. I feel I work in a job that somewhat sets me up for failure so I understand how frustrating and demotivating it can be. Add me so maybe we can try to…
  • You already do squats....try jump squats! Squats are my favorite exercise because they work so many different muscle groups especially if you use a barbell. Jump squats are much easier to break your form so make sure to really be careful to do them with proper posture and you don't lose control of your knees. It's gonna…
  • My cousin did Midwest Weight Control which I believe is very similar to Medifast. She did great until she fell off the wagon again. I guess all those programs are good if you stick to them. I'm considering slimgenics.
  • Minnesota is the best! I'm so happy to see so many Twin Cities ladies in here! I'm in NE Mpls and I always LOVE checking out new places to get great food...probably why I need a site like this :smile: . The 5K idea would be fun as long as I can rollerblade it...this girl doesn't run :happy: .
  • I'm a Minnesotan too! GO GOPHERS! Sorry just a little pumped up after the hockey game tonight! I'm also new to this site so I'm still looking for friends...Add me if you choose!
  • A penguin of course!
  • Try them on the grill. Skewer them with the chicken and some slices of red potatoes. Put vidalia onions, different colored peppers cut into chunks and skewered. Brush with sesame oil (obviously don't go crazy) sprinkle with Mrs. Dash (I prefer the low sodium varieties) and grill till the chicken and potatoes are cooked…
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