Hungry won't quit!

I work out regularly about 3 days per week doing RKC certified kettlebell classes. These are 1 hour HIIT sessions with kettlebells that combine cardio, strength and flexibility. I've been doing this regularly for about 8 months. Last week I did 5 sessions instead of 3, after clearing it with the trainer and coming up with a plan that would not have me hurting myself. The last of the 5 sessions was yesterday and now I am hungry all the time. I tried very hard to balance my proteins and carbs and ate on a schedule to make sure I was eating enough. Does anyone have a remedy for this or have any advice on how I can get these "munchies" to stop? Thank you for any feedback that is helpful.


  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    What is your height, weight and current calorie goal?

    It's entirely possible that you are hungry because you are not eating enough.

    Exercise DOES tend to increase appetites in a lot of people though.
  • bakingforlife
    bakingforlife Posts: 132 Member
    you maynot be eating enough ,drink more water fill up on veggies and some friut .
  • gaet0011
    gaet0011 Posts: 20
    I am 5'6 186#. I gained 12 pounds after starting the Kettlebells...I'm very proud of that :smile: I just want to make sure that it's muscle I'm gaining and not more fat. FitnessPal says 1200, I don't buy that so I consume about 1400/day. On Kettlebell days I'm closer to 1500-1600 because of it's intensity...
  • austinsneeze
    austinsneeze Posts: 220 Member
    If you open up your diary, that could help us see how much you're eating and what kinds of food you're eating :)
  • gaet0011
    gaet0011 Posts: 20
    More water? I'm already in the bathroom every hour...

    I don't know how to open the food diary...I thought it was open. I think it's friends only....