Minnesota Gal! Brand New :)


I'm new here. I tried Weight Watchers a few years ago and lost 30 lbs pretty easy. Got off it, gained it all back and some from emotional stress eating (finishing college and finding that first job). Tried Weight Watchers again- it was a no go. Trying to do it using this and going to the Y. My goal is to lose 90 lbs and be down to 150 by next summer (hopefully when I get married). I'm not looking to be skinny, just feel good about myself and fit. At this point in time I feel awful about myself, I dislike the way I look and feel. I want change!


  • mommanurse33
    mommanurse33 Posts: 189 Member
    Welcome, welcome! I, too, am a new college grad. I graduated from nursing school this past December. Packed on 50lbs in the process, not to mention the weight I never lost from having my 5yr old. I am not "new" but have just recently gotten back on the train and would love to add you as a friend. After all, this process requires good support!!!
  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I also used to do weight watchers and it helped.. somewhat. I much prefer MFP and the community of support! Feel free to add me.

    I'm also a MN girl!
  • babytis
    babytis Posts: 330 Member
    Another MN girl here:) Ok maybe "Girl" is pushing it...... ;)
    Welcome to MFP!
  • gaet0011
    gaet0011 Posts: 20
    I'm a Minnesotan too! GO GOPHERS! Sorry just a little pumped up after the hockey game tonight!

    I'm also new to this site so I'm still looking for friends...Add me if you choose!
  • I love Minnesota! I was born in duluth and moved to California in high school. I want my Minnesota friends in California.
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    Welcome to MFP. :)
  • amv1023
    amv1023 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm a Minnesotan transplanted in Nebraska last year...feel free to add me!
  • Welcome! You're among kindred spirits here.

    Another Minnesotan here too -- and a current Gopher (Twin Cities). I'm shooting for 60 lbs long gone before graduation in June 2013.

    I'd be interested in befriending locals --not just for (online) support but also because I could definitely use some referrals about name brand/local products, places to go/things to do for outdoor recreation, places to dine/shop...etc. that I may not be familiar with yet. I'm still a midwest newbie.

    Glad to hear some of you had success on WW. I tried last year with minimal results. The point plan changes for 2012 didn't work for me & MFP seems to be more in line. I'm about to give Medifast a shot for the kickstart. Any of you given it a try?
  • As for the Y, we recently had a New Leaf assessment through there (I workout at Andover, Coon Rapids) & the results were fascinating. The results helped me set more realistic goals for working out & caloric intake than what MFP automates.

    Just a suggestion-- if you're interested in maximizing your time & effort at the gym.
  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    I didn't know so many Minnesotans were on here! Where is everyone located? I'm in the Twin Cities!

    How cool would it be to all do a 5k together in the future, or a similar event!??
  • gaet0011
    gaet0011 Posts: 20
    Minnesota is the best! I'm so happy to see so many Twin Cities ladies in here! I'm in NE Mpls and I always LOVE checking out new places to get great food...probably why I need a site like this :smile: . The 5K idea would be fun as long as I can rollerblade it...this girl doesn't run :happy: .
  • gaet0011
    gaet0011 Posts: 20
    Welcome! You're among kindred spirits here.

    Another Minnesotan here too -- and a current Gopher (Twin Cities). I'm shooting for 60 lbs long gone before graduation in June 2013.

    I'd be interested in befriending locals --not just for (online) support but also because I could definitely use some referrals about name brand/local products, places to go/things to do for outdoor recreation, places to dine/shop...etc. that I may not be familiar with yet. I'm still a midwest newbie.

    Glad to hear some of you had success on WW. I tried last year with minimal results. The point plan changes for 2012 didn't work for me & MFP seems to be more in line. I'm about to give Medifast a shot for the kickstart. Any of you given it a try?

    My cousin did Midwest Weight Control which I believe is very similar to Medifast. She did great until she fell off the wagon again. I guess all those programs are good if you stick to them. I'm considering slimgenics.
  • abitzan
    abitzan Posts: 85 Member
    Welcome! I am a minnesota gal too. I live in the twin cities area. Add me if you want and I certainly hope you find the success you need here. :flowerforyou:
  • Hey Everyone!

    Another Minnesota girl right here! I graduated from The U last May (Go Gophers!) and since I'm no longer living in Dinkytown, walking distance from $2 beers and Mesa Pizza, it's time to get healthy and responsible about my body.

    My goal is to be down 20 lbs from now by July 1st (Lake Calhoun beach body here I come!), another 10 by Labor Day, and the last 10 by Thanksgiving. Then, and here comes the tricky part, I want to keep it all off during the holidays.

    I'm 11.5 down from where I was when I started mid-February. We can do this together!

    Also, for all of you cheese curd fans, I just posted a recipe in the forums called Cheese Curd Swap (I'm original).

    Minnesota is one of the healthiest states in the country. Let's add to that!
  • I love the idea of a 5K, but I also don't run so a walk would be more my speed.
    Roller blade's great but I haven't been on mine in a few years.

    I've also got no clue how all the biking trail stuff works -- but have bike & will travel.

    StandUp Paddleboard's a lot of fun & there's rentals of YoLo Boards (the only ones I seem to be able to balance on without killing myself) at Wheel Fun at Lake Calhoun.

    I'd definitely be game for connecting for activity. I live in Anoka, but am on campus in Minneapolis 2-3x a week starting May 1st. The program I'm in is a hybrid, so this semester I'm at home on computer more than at school.
  • labtracks
    labtracks Posts: 108 Member
    I spent my first 26 years in MN... Grand Rapids, St. Cloud and Minneapolis. Hoping to get back there after hubby leaves the Army and we stop moving around the world. Despite all my travels and all the places I've lived my heart is still in those lakes and woods of northern MN.... ahhh, memories! Welcome!
  • PugLuvMn
    PugLuvMn Posts: 15 Member
    I am a Minnesota girl myself...friend request sent so we can do this together!
  • Wow! Love all these Minnesota girls! I am one myself too....I live in midwest MN and love the lakes country!

    I am trying to lose 20 more pounds for my sister's wedding in June....failure is not an option if I am going to fit into my bridesmaid dress comfortably! :)
  • MrsValentine
    MrsValentine Posts: 85 Member
    Hi, I'm also a Mn Gal..I am here to slide 30lbs of by july, but a long time goal of 50-60lbs..Would love to share some support.
  • fearie_jae
    fearie_jae Posts: 107 Member
    yay im in MN too! anyone feel free to add me :)