

  • Hi! I'm not sure having a smoothie after dinner is such a great idea. I'm a picky breakfast eater so I usually have a smoothie for breakfast (something like kale, spinach, banana and flax seeds). Research healthy smoothie options I found some great choices online. My husband decided we should give up red meat totally so…
  • I don't know if I'm the best person to offer advice on this but here goes. I had a c-section 6 years ago and I also heard the horror stories about not getting my flat belly back! I wasn't exercising and I still ate like I was pregnant so I never saw my flat belly again until recently LOL One day I looked in the mirror and…
  • It's a need to know basis and if your weight loss doesn't affect them then they don't need to know :happy:
  • Thanks!!!!!!:happy: we'll be too Very Sexy Ladies when we reach our goal :)
  • Kick my 6 cans a coca cola a day habit. Drink more water. Exercise more!! 5 months and counting and I have stuck to 2 of the 3 (still working on the exercising more part)
  • Hi All, I'm Kamela. Originally from Queens, New York currently residing in Hamden, CT :)
  • Welcome and let's kick butt together :) I'm losing the last of my "baby" weight and honestly since my dd is 5 yrs old I am way past using that as an excuse lol Hard work and healthy eating will get us to where we need to be :)
  • Low fat pineapple Greek yogurt
  • Coming from a person who never drank water and instead had six cans a coke a day start with one cup if water a day and work your way up. In the beginning I tried drinking three cups and after the second cup I wanted to gag. For me not actually counting how many cups of water I drink help me drink more because saying 8 cups…