

  • At 275 pounds, it took a loss of 15-20 pounds forme to go down a size in pants. Now, at 150, just 10 pounds is a size for me. You will probably lose another size in some brands. Shop sales ...... And get a few cute things you love NOW and enjoy what you have accomplished. Congratulations!
  • Are you able to cut a protein bar into bite sized pieces and put them in a ziplock and nibble on them while you work? Personally, I could not eat at 5am, but you definitely should get something in to your system within a few hours of getting up. When I have early morning calls or meetings, I chop up a protein bar and…
  • I celebrated my loss with plastic surgery. I had my arms and breasts lifted in November of 2009. I celebrated 1 year of weight maintenance with a tummy tuck (3 weeks ago).
  • It happens. My Weight Watchers leader always says, "If you drop a glass and break it, you don't open your cabinet and break all the rest of them. Sweep it up, be more careful next time and move on". If you have time for a walk or run, it might make you feel better. You are human --- forgive yourself and do better next time.
  • It depends on the food. If it is a food on my trigger list (cookies, cake, candy, ice cream, baked goods), I don't take it under any circumstances. On Saturday, I will be 3-years FREE of those foods. I start with 'no thank you' and work my way up to 'I don't eat that' --- as many times as I have to. If I take it once, even…
  • I don't do WW on line, because I am a Lifetime member, and attend in-person meetings for free. I don't want to pay for something that I have earned for free --- I think that there should be a way for Lifetimer's to access their site (with our memebership number) for free. So --- I come here to track and use the community…
  • Hi, I had my arms done along with a breast lift in November of 2010. It was out patient in a surgery center and I was thereabout 4 hours total. I went home all bandaged around the chest and from my wrists to my armpits. I had 1 drain in each armpit, but did not feel anything because of the anesthetic and pain meds. I went…
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