rysprincess94 Member


  • Thank you!!!
  • I stay at home with a 4 y/o boy and 8 y/o girl...you can add me. ;)
  • Okay, what did I do wrong?? ;)
  • Still trying to figure out the pic posting....sheesh
  • Such a wonderful story and amazing transformation. Wishing you the best as you move forward from all your old demons. I hope I can write one of these posts a year from now!
  • Your tranformation is amazing. What an inspiration! I started this at 273, not far off your start weight and looking at your pics we could be sisters. Built exactly the same. Seeing your after pics make me hopeful that I will look like that at the finish line to my weight loss journey! Keep up the great work! Nicole
  • I have been struggling with staying in the limits on my stats too. But I have been reading up about it and the sugar allowance is mainly used for refined sugars and does not include naturally occuring sugars such as fruits, veggies and whole grains. That makes me feel better. I kept feeling like I could not have fresh…
  • Hi, welcome to the board! I have been on here for a couple months or so now and started out just walking. I am 5'3, starting weight was 273.8. So any running was totally out of the question as I would be a painful mess the next day. However, I also started a fitness class that is 1/3 step aerobics, 1/3 strength & weights,…
  • My husband is currently on a 1300 calorie diet and not exercising as well. He has done this before and can usually lose around 25-30 lbs. until he plateaus and will either have to modify his diet further or begin some type of exercise. A client of his followed the same thing and lost like 75 lbs. I wish I could get away…
  • I most definitely believe that the meds can cause weight gain. I have always been overweight. But since I have been on this roller coaster ride of fibro, its been even more difficult weight wise. With trying different meds, on and off I have gained almost 25 lbs. in the past few years. Up until I started this MFP program…
  • I most definitely believe that the meds can cause weight gain. I have always been overweight. But since I have been on this roller coaster ride of fibro, its been even more difficult weight wise. With trying different meds, on and off I have gained almost 25 lbs. in the past few years. Up until I started this MFP program…
  • Hi there ladies! I also have fibromyalgia. I just signed up with this website tonight so happy to find other people going through not only the weight loss journey, but the fibro as well. Although, its a double-edged sword, because I also hate to know that other people feel the affects of this crappy illness! Anyways, I…