

  • Nice to meet you all! I missed my walk today because my mother-in-law stopped by unexpectedly this afternoon. Argh! But I am hoping to get another long one in tomorrow. Thanks Chris for the info on half marathons!
  • Oh and Paige - just friend requested you. I would love to keep in touch and keep eachother accountable!
  • Thanks RAchel! That is so nice of you. Thank you for the recommendations! We are excited for our move (we move the week of April 23). OK I'm off to chug some water and hopefully will be taking Lauren for a walk this afternoon!
  • Hi all! My name is Jessica and I have a one-year-old. I tried jogging with her in the stroller but then I remembered - "oh yeah, I hate jogging." So now my new thing is walking for at least half an hour with my daughter every day if I can. I love getting the air and seeing the neighborhood, and it gets me out of the house.…
  • Thanks Summer! We are a little bit afraid of moving but we are also really excited to explore a new city. Everyone I've talked to who has visited Nashville loves it, so I think we are in for a good transition. Thank you!
  • We are going to be living in the West End - we're moving for my husband's job and his job will be near there. Do you like Nashville? Any recommendations? I have to admit, I am scared of the hot summers! (Funny since Chicago is so cold all the time.) Great to meet you and keep me posted - we can help keep each other…
  • I'm Jessica. I have a one-year-old daughter. Never really lost the baby weight so finally trying to get on board with a healthier lifestyle! We may be trying for Baby #2 this summer, and I realize if I just let myself eat whatever I want whenever I want, pretty soon I'll be huge when we're done having the 3-4 kids we…
    in Hi! Comment by jessicar03 March 2012
  • I totally hear you on this. My husband is wonderful and loves me and is attracted to me, but I think my weight affects our relationship because I FEEL less attractive, so I distance myself from him. Really trying to pray about this as I try to adopt a healthier lifestyle! (By they way - HI! I'm Jessica. I'm brand new. We…
  • Hi Rachel! My name is Jessica. I am actually living in the Chicago area right now but we are moving to Nashville in three weeks. I have about 40 pounds to lose but I am starting with a goal of 18 pounds for now. I am married and have a one-year-old daughter. So far I am trying to just drink more water and eat better food…
  • I'm brand new to this site. My first goal is to get to 150 (my pre-pregnancy weight), then 140 (my wedding weight), and if I could get to 130 I would be THRILLED! However one complicating factor is that we may try to get pregnant again in a few months....