bumblebot Member


  • Porridge is not the best breakfast - you should consider adding protein and fats! Personally, I add 30g soy/whey protein powder to 40g of oats, 40g of raspberries/blueberries. Heat up with water. Once warmed through, I add 150g greek 0% fat yoghurt and a swirl of peanut butter. The end result is lovely, creamy, sweet, and…
  • Porridge is not the best breakfast - you should consider adding protein and fats! Personally, I add 30g soy/whey protein powder to 40g of oats, 40g of raspberries/blueberries. Heat up with water. Once warmed through, I add 150g greek 0% fat yoghurt and a swirl of peanut butter. The end result is lovely, creamy, sweet, and…
  • I bet you're not eating enough, and probably not eating enough protein. Unless you're doing HIIT cardio, the cardio you're doing is probably not effective for burning fat. Read "Thinner, Leaner, Stronger" by Michael Matthews and use this macro calculator which can be found here:…
  • I weigh everyday but I have a weekly "weigh in day" (Friday morning) which I use as a focal point. I go up and down daily, but as long as I'm down (even by the tiniest amount) from Friday to Friday then I'm happy. x
  • Well done!! I ran my first one today too and am feeling great! x