

  • I don't - I actually only count water in my water consumption. I have a bad relationship with water. I hate drinking it so want to make sure when I am logging water, it is only water as I am working on my goal of 5 glasses a day and I like to see when I have done that :)
  • I am .9 over BMI to push me into the "overweight" category BUT my goal is to get back into the skirt I could wear last year before I quit smoking :) I gain in my hips/thighs so I will leave it at that for now - don't really have a number although the trainer at the gym said 133 would be good on my build.
  • No you did not over consume, that means after all you did today (eat and exercise) you have only taken in 725 calories.
  • Very interesting. So according to that site, here are my numbers: Based on this formula, your current BMR is 1415 calories. Activity Level Daily Calories Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 1604 Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 1838 Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2072…
  • I hear ya...hence the glasses of wine. Thanks as well.
  • Thanks!!!!! I think I am doing pretty good in the food department (besides the wine I had yesterday and today),
  • And that is where I am so confused. I keep reading never eat below your BMR. So I am okay, just shouldn't eat back exercise calories? No wonder this is a multi-billion dollar business LOL.
  • When I had braxton hicks contractions it was almost like a blood pressure cuff around my belly - it was like some one was squeezing a little tighter each time and then relaxing (I hope that makes sense lol)....ummm the pains I got in my back were from real labour, definitely call your doctor if they get stronger or don't…
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