

  • BK sold it, the buck stops with them, they can try to deflect as much as they like, it's their issue. They should have full audit and quality controls in place - they didn't. Much like the other sellers. This is probably the tip of the iceberg, if they didn't know horse meat was in the product (And it looks like it could…
  • All these warnings came about due to the abundant USA appetite to sue all and sundry.... as it's always "someone else's fault" The Lawyers lap it up.. and make the problem worse. I recall the incident with a Camper van style vehicle, where the driver, put it on auto drive and then went in the back to make a drink. Next…
  • Alcohol is high in calories. A bottle of wine is an easy 700. A pint of beer is an easy 250 Spirits are higher still. I lost the lbs by simply reducing alcohol and nothing more. Thinking back to my student days, and based on your question, I'd imagine you're consuming over 1000 Calories for one your sessions. These are…
  • then you include those calories in your plan; you've still had your water intake. and water itself is not calorie free unless you obtain it from a laboratory.
  • Diet soda is water. Full fat sugary soda is also water. Unless you think they make sodas out of Petrol? It is all water. The body is quite capable of working out what is water and what is sugar and what are E numbers. It's liquid intake. People do get hung up on drinking 2 litres of pure water a day, those 2 litres can be…
  • You could add 20 sugars to it - it's still the same amount of water. Could add 20 spoons of coffee to it, you're still taking in the same amount of water.
  • Tea/Coffee/Squash/cheese/cucumber/tomatoes all contain water. A cup of tea is the same as a cup of water it's the same fluid intake. Could actually argue that Tea is healthier than water. Water is well...water. Tea also protects against heart disease and some cancers and contains those friendly antioxidants. It is an urban…
  • I added "Sex - Moderate" to my own list of exercises - surprised it wasn't there! "Walking the dog" is just to give you an idea of the pace and what 3mph relates too - but sure dogs walk at different rates! With all the excercies though - have to be really honest with yourself. For example there is a "Food preparation"…
  • Seven of Nine was curvy - in all the right places!
    in Star Trek Comment by viper_7 May 2012
  • Majority of men do want sex and think about it on a regular basis. It's part of what being a man is all about. We are hard-wired to looking for a potential mate and on the look-out for sex. To procreate, to pass on our genes, to ensure humans survive. The gatherer/hunter. This drive is strongest between 18-35. In the…
  • Iphone for gadget/apps. Blackberry for business use and Security. They are two separate devices for different uses. Iphone will never be a business tool, BB tried to go into the non business market but failed and sticking to their strengths.
  • Infections of fingers/toes can lead to loss of the digit if not treated. Regular soaking in a salt solution will help but a course of anti-biotic is probably in order - naturally most of us on here are not Doctors, so seek professional advice.
  • How can you hate the taste? Water has no taste; but aye it's naturally bland to the blandness extreme!
    in water... Comment by viper_7 April 2012
  • Since biologically men are pretty much hard-coded to actually seek out women to have their children to ensure their genes are passed on and to ensure the human race continues then yes it's true. Women also to an extent do the same but, men have the higher drive to ensure the future of humans. That it actually happens to be…